Saudi Arabia Work Visas & Permits.


Denis Popov

Saudi Arabia Work Visa

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a rather closed country. Foreigners need a visa to visit the country. Please note that at the moment it is not possible to apply for a tourist visa to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. You can visit the country only either on such Saudi Arabia work visa types:

  • Business visit;
  • Official visit;
  • Work visa to Saudi Arabia for citizens of other countries;
  • Visa for permanent residence in the country.
  • Saudi Arabia visa for seafarers.
  • Family visit visa.


Obtaining a Saudi Arabia work visa for foreigners is impossible without an invitation from the country itself. An invitation is actually a visa authorization that is sent to the applicant electronically. Work visa for Saudi Arabia from Pakistan as well as Saudi Arabia job visa for Indian is possible to get too, if you have this invitation and have not problems with Arabia and previous conviction.
There are only several Saudi Arabia work visa requirements:

  • Be a citizen of one of 49 countries that are allowed to enter Saudi Arabia and have permission to obtain a visa.
  • Be over 18 years of age. If you are traveling with children, then you need to provide proof that the child is traveling with a parent / parents or guardian.


You need to have a packet of documents:

  • International passport;
  • Copies of previous visas at the KSA (if you have any);
  • Photos - 4 pictures (the non-standard format) 4 * 6 cm, on a white background;
  • Original diploma from an educational institution;
  • Personal data questionnaire.

Working in Saudi Arabia

Working in Saudi Arabia attracts many young and promising people as well as experienced workers. As you already know, in order to get a vacancy you need to have a Saudi work visa. All requirements are described above. The labor market in this country is filled with local residents and it is not easy for foreigners to get a job, but not impossible. The government sets annual quotas for the number of foreign workers. You can work in the field of unskilled labor and also in different companies with big number of educated people. All depends on you.

Work permits in Saudi Arabia

To get permission to work in Arabia, a job visa in Saudi Arabia is not enough. You need to conclude an employment contract with an employer, have the appropriate education and experience as well as completed medical examination. Saudi Arabia visa insurance is a required document. In the absence of it, a visa will simply not be given. Moreover, insurance is required even to obtain a transit visa. There are a number of peculiarities when applying for insurance for different types of visas. Work insurance is issued for a period of 30 days, after which a national insurance policy is drawn up for the employee by the inviting party. In order to obtain a work visa, insurance must cover professional risks. The price of insurance to Saudi Arabia depends on the duration of the insurance, the purpose of the trip and the insurance program.

Business visit visa

To obtain this type of Saudi job visa, you need to have:

  • Passport, valid for 6 month minimum and that have two empty visa pages;
  • Invitation from your future company;
  • Additional documents may be requested;
  • Filled e-form on the visa website;
  • All details and the name of business should be written;

Work visit visa

This type of visa allows you to work temporary under certain conditions and work permit in Saudi Arabia. You can work for up to 90 days each year. Employers must have “medium-green: level and they must be sure, that their workers have valid work authorization.

Family visas

Required documents:

  • The questionnaire completed by the client, as well as the agreement signed by him;
  • Passport valid for at least six months, which has two blank pages;
  • Two new color photographs on a white background in size (4 x 6);
  • Original permission for a visa issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (visa support);
  • Copy of a valid permanent residence permit of the host country in the Kingdom;
  • Documents confirming family relations (birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.), certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country;
  • In the event that the child travels accompanied by only one of the parents, it is necessary to obtain the permission of the other parent, certified by the foreign office of the homeland;

Working in Saudi Arabia without visa.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get a job in Saudi Arabia without visa. Saudi Arabia work visa for Indian, Saudi job visa for Pakistani, people from all the possible countries should obtain with this necessary document.


Visas to Saudi Arabia are also issued:

  • diplomatic - to employees of diplomatic missions;
  • commercial - to businessmen at the invitation of business partners or organizers of exhibitions and sports tournaments in the KSA (approved and certified by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Saudi Arabia plus a certificate of registration of the host company in the KSA);
  • educational - those who have confirmed admission to an educational institution (in the presence of a full package of documents);
  • transit - if the waiting time for a flight to a third country exceeds 18 hours.
  • Saudi Arabia is a very serious country and getting there illegally is fraught with dire consequences. There are a lot of rules and you just need to follow them. You already know how to get Saudi Arabia work visa, thanks to our website Layboard. Hope we helped you.
    As a conclusion, we add some additional information about visas.

    How long does it take to get a working visa for Saudi Arabia?

    Usually, visa processing takes 3-7 working days, but preparation, translation and legalization of basic and additionally requested documents may require much more. time.


    Refusals for those wishing to visit Saudi Arabia were quite common, mainly due to:
    • the applicant's appearance that does not correspond to Muslim norms (hairstyle, tattoo, piercing, etc.);
    • a single woman under 25 travels without a husband or accompanying male relative;
    • the other religion indicated in the questionnaire is not Islam or Christianity (in Saudi Arabia, atheism is a severely punishable crime);
    • marks of a visit to the state of Israel.


26.07.21 1186

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