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Post a vacancy without costs. Thousands of candidates check on it
Register a company for freeFind talent easily and efficiently. Publish your vacancies and gain access to thousands of qualified specialists ready to join your team.
Take your first step on the path to finding your ideal candidate. allows every employer to find ideal candidates quickly and easily. Thanks to our powerful platform, you can post a vacancy and instantly gain access to a large database of qualified professionals.
Our tools help you filter candidates by skills, experience, and location, and ensure that your listing is visible among the most relevant profiles
Use to make your search more effective and find the talent you need
On, you can quickly publish vacancies that automatically become visible to a wide range of candidates. Your job post is easy to customize with a detailed description, candidate requirements, and corporate benefits.
Try it for freeCreating an employer account on is a simple and convenient process. Visit our website and click “Register your company for free.” Fill in the required fields, including your company name, email address, and contact information. Once registration is complete, you’ll gain access to all the employer tools.
To add a new vacancy, go to your personal account and click “Add a vacancy.” You will be prompted to fill out a form with the vacancy details, including the position, job description, candidate requirements, and type of employment. You can also indicate whether the position is remote or requires relocation.
Manage your leads, schedule meetings, call backs, etc.
Conduct direct correspondence with candidates, choose a convenient method of communication
Publish news about your company, gain subscribers, get likes
Free job posting on gives employers a great opportunity to showcase their vacancies to a wide audience of potential candidates. You can publish your job ad at no cost, ensuring basic visibility in our database. This is an ideal option for startups or small businesses looking to hire talent without significant recruiting expenses.
Every month you can post 1 vacancy for free and open several contacts in the candidate database.
This is the best solution when you need to get as many reviews as possible to quickly close an urgent vacancy or find many employees at once.
Do you want to be the first to contact the best searchers? Get access to our database, which contains over 30,000 unique candidates and increases by 1000 new ones every month.
Since 2017, we have been helping over 25,000 companies
successfully find the right people
More than 100,000 specialists
looking for work all over the world
You need to click the register button and fill in the company information
Yes, sure. The site accepts vacancies from both individuals and agencies and direct employers.
You can post vacancies completely free of charge, but if you want to get more responses and calls, we recommend paying for the promotion of your vacancy.
In fact, any specialists, from general workers to IT specialists
Yes, sure. You can download the invoice in the “Transaction history” menu
Layboard LTD is registered in Great Britain, in the city of London. Address: 75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden. Contact us by email - [email protected]
Don’t wait! Start posting your vacancies on today and find ideal candidates in a matter of minutes. Register or log in now to unlock all the benefits our platform offers. Your next top employee could be just one click away! For any questions, please contact us at [email protected]
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