Office assistant Jobs Abroad

  • 900 $

    UAE (Dubai)

    In UAE need an employee!! Opening recruitment of workers specialty Office assistant. competitive salary 900$. preferably without bad habbits. provide the necessary amount of work, Availability of paid processing on request. Payouts salary from 2 to 5 day of the month.Information:- help with housing...
    Agency  Avanta Works
    Avanta Works


  • 1100 $

    UAE (Dubai)

    Our agency very urgent looking for worker!. Office assistant, vacancy for citizens Pakistan, timely salary payments, needed hard worker ready to work. free consultation, Payouts salary 1-2 times a month on hand. Prizes and bonuses available.Conditions:- 8-10 hour schedule - moving to Dubai at the...
    Agency  Avanta Works
    Avanta Works
