Security consultant Jobs Abroad

  • In UAE need an employee!. for the position: Security consultant, decent salary 1100$, without convictions. age does not matter,Modern working conditions!!! Accruals salary from 3 to 10 day of the month, Information:- official employment - if there is no visa, we will help with registration - help g...
    Agency  Avanta Works
    Avanta Works



What is the average salary of a Security consultant?

The average Security consultant salary is 1450$ each month. Entry-level placements start at 1000$ each month, while a lot of experienced employees make up to 2200$ monthly.

How many jobs for Security consultant on

Thinking about a Security consultant job? has 361 job posts for Security consultant. Read more about popular Security consultant work like:

    What professions are in high demand in IT sphere?

    The most sought-after professions in the category: IT sphere
    • Security manager
    • Security engineer
    • Patrol officer