Web Developer vacancy in Abu-Dhabi UAE

1100 $
UAE (Abu-Dhabi)
Agency ConFlip


on layboard since 17.01.2021

Contact person: Joseph
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Contact person: Joseph
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Web Developer

We are seeking a skilled Web Developer to join our team in Abu Dhabi. As a Web Developer, you will be responsible for designing, coding, and modifying websites and web applications. You must have experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web development tools. Strong knowledge of content management systems and SEO principles is also required. The ideal candidate should be able to work independently and collaboratively with cross-functional teams to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites that meet client's needs. Malayalees with experience and proficiency in web development are preferred for this role. This is a full-time position with a salary of 1100$ per month, including free visa and ticket to Abu Dhabi. No English language skills are required for this job.
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views: 194

valid through: 2024-05-24

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on layboard since 17.01.2021

Agency for employment abroad ConFlip
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