Most in-demand jobs in Oman for Indians.


Denis Popov

Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia border Oman. Many people consider this country unusual because it is not like its neighbors. Religious norms are not so strict, and the culture is liberal and democratic.

Oil production has the superior among workplaces in Oman. But in recent years, oil reserves in Oman and neighboring countries have significantly declined.

Just 40 years ago, there were practically no medical and educational institutions. However, thanks to Sultan Qaboos, the situation has dramatically improved. As a result, modern Oman is a promising young country. Why is it young? About half of the locals here are under the age of 20.

The World Health Organization has declared Oman one of the most promising countries for a prosperous life. This is true. Contributes to a long and happy life for local citizens, not only the rapid economic development but also purity. Oman is recognized as one of the cleanest countries in the world. Unusual beauty, good climate, and low crime rate attract more and more guests here. As a result, jobs in tourism and related industries are a reality.

Best jobs in Oman for foreigners

The state's leading business center is the city of Muscat - the capital. It is here that the most significant number of employers who open jobs in Oman for foreigners are concentrated. Local companies give the opportunities to employ, putting high requirements on applicants, such as fluency in English, experience, and qualifications in the chosen field.

In return, they offer:

  • Salaries from $1,000 with the opportunity to receive bonuses, tips, and extra pay;

  • excellent working conditions;

  • social insurance, including medical care;

  • transfer of a new employee to the place of work;

  • registration of all documents, including a work visa, at their own expense.

 jobs in Oman for foreigners

But the Omani labor market has its specifics. For example, organizations must prefer residents, and some professions are closed to migrants. Also, to get a job in Oman for men or women, an invitation from the employer and a signed employment contract is mandatory.

Many locals get a prestigious education, taking senior management and other positions. Citizens from other countries are usually offered jobs in tourism and related fields. For example, going to work in Oman for foreigners is realistic for these careers:

  • hostess;

  • manager of customer service in hotels and restaurants;

  • waiters and maids;

  • securities;

  • fitness trainers;

  • beauty masters, hairdressers, nail artists, and people doing similar operations.

What is Oman's top salary?

Finding a job in Arab countries is entirely accurate, thanks to the high standard of living due to the oil and tourist business. Of course, it all depends on the profession, but earning $1000 here is the standard. The average salary after taxes is $1868 per month.

Moreover, you can connect your career with relaxation during your extra time. World-brand hotels and restaurants take care of their team. They offer holidays, housing, and feeds. This way, you can unite good earnings with experiencing the outstanding beauty of the Arab world.

The average wage in Oman in 2022 is about $1 500 to $2 000. Skilled foreign workers receive much more. For example, good technicians, doctors, and IT specialists receive around $5000.  

Most in-demand jobs for all Indians

In Oman, jobs are realistic because there is no unemployment here. So the priority is naturally given to the local population. Two dozen professions are reserved for them. But other jobs, especially in the resort and restaurant business, are available for professionals from other countries.

The work and wages of locals are different. They are provided with an excellent social bonus. Education in universities is paid for by locals. As a rule, educated Omanis find prestigious positions in local companies. However, outsiders have to think about insurance by themselves. That is essential because the medicine can be pricey. Therefore, everything about it is written in the contract when hiring.

If you are looking for a job, pay attention to the following vacancies in Oman. There are a lot of positions among the actively expanding sectors: consultants, waitpeople, bartenders, cooks, hostesses, jobs for girls at the reception, nail service specialists, and hairstylists. Finding a position in any area will be much easier if you use the agent's services, particularly if you have yet to gain experience. One of the essential requirements for working with candidates, for example, in hotels in Oman, is knowledge of the language and relevant work experience. Employment specialists will provide solutions to help you determine the most appropriate specialization for you. Arab countries have a state of mind that doesn't allow you to show up and request employment. Rather, you require an agreement signed up after an interview and recommendations from the employer. Positions for girls and immature people are usually supplied with accommodation expended for by the company. By arrangement, you can pay for travel and help with paperwork. Discovering a career in Oman on the sites can be on their own, both in Muscat and other cities.

jobs for all Indians

The residents are disinclined to obtain a position as a handyperson. So a career in this area is in demand with little qualification. But if you are interested in skilled labor, you must provide a document confirming your professional level.

Most in-demand jobs for highly skilled Indians

Jobs in Oman are mainly in the hotel and restaurant industry. However, there are also jobs for highly skilled employers. A highly qualified specialist is a foreign citizen with extensive work experience and unique skills in any field of labor activity. The most relevant jobs in Oman in 2022 are oil and gas, construction, medicine, and education. Therefore, experienced engineers, IT specialists, school teachers, and construction project managers are in demand both in local and international companies. But can a suitably qualified foreigner take a managerial position in Oman? Yes, there are many administrative positions like the executive director or CFO held by migrants from other countries.

jobs for highly skilled Indians

To get a qualified job here, a foreign national must have a document proving his qualifications. This document is necessary for the immigrant to be able to take a vacancy here. This is the official policy of the state on employment. As for handypersons, no document is required to obtain this type of employment.

19.12.22 1799
Hello! Do you have jobs for ballet and modern dance choreographers, animators, or actors, or work in a modeling agency? I want to get information for my children. They like the country of Oman and have a great desire to go there to work. I appreciate any help you can provide.


If I don’t have any certifications to prove my English level, wouldn’t the employer mind? In case I can speak fluently and have an experience of working abroad? Do I need to pass any tests or is spoken English the only thing that matters?


Seems like experienced IT specialists can easily work in any country. I’m a junior frontend developer. I’ve learnt how to code only a year ago but I have some experience, too. I think I should try to get a job in Oman!


Thank you, that's valuable information. But how long does it take to prepare all the necessary documents to apply for a job in Oman? Do you have any information or a list of required documents? I need to prove my qualifications. Do they accept Indian documents about education?


I compared Oman and Dubai for a long time and made a conclusion that countries like Oman are less mainstream. So there are less foreign workers in Oman and more opportunities for them… I just made sure how important it is to choose wisely…


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