Arad Branding 1 Direct employer reviews

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: Mina Heydari

India, Delhi/Chennai, Delhi

+989942504249, +9381824610


About company:

Views 96
Jobs 1
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
Arad Branding 1
(Reviews: 0)

India, Delhi/Chennai, Delhi


As a leading international export company based in Iran, we specialize in over 60 diverse product categories, ranging from fruits to industrial equipment and construction materials.

Our services:

✅ Quality Leads: Drive your business forward with our quality leads, connecting manufacturers with potential buyers across the globe.

✅ Weekly Purchase Requests: Stay ahead of the competition with a consistent flow of weekly purchase requests, giving you a competitive edge in the international marketplace.

✅ Global Network: Benefit from our expansive network, connecting you with key players in the industry and opening doors to lucrative business opportunities.

Contact me via whatsapp if you are interested

???? Website:
???? WhatsApp: +989942504249

☎: +989942504249 ✉: [email protected]