Queens Park Hotel Direct employer reviews

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: larry4u

England, London, 48 Queensborough Terrace, London, W2 3SJ, United Kingdom

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Queens Park Hotel
(Reviews: 0)

England, London, 48 Queensborough Terrace, London, W2 3SJ, United Kingdom


When you stay at Queen’s Park Hotel, you are spoiled for choice when it comes to dining. Not only are there plenty of dining choices nearby thanks to our brilliant Central London location but we also have dining options at our hotel. We have recently refurbished and redesigned our incredible ‘Terrace Restaurant’. The ‘Terrace Restaurant’ is located on the ground floor of Queen’s Park Hotel and the restaurant setting allows for natural daylight to flow through the Victorian elongated windows ensuring a pleasant dining experience.

☎: ✉: queensparkhotel.workmail@aol.com