Synago Maciej Jankowski Spółka komandytowa reviews and vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: Evgenii Shutov

Poland, Gdansk, ul. Magnacka 15, Gdansk, 80-180


NIP: 6040235362

About company:

Views 101
Jobs 3
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
Synago Maciej Jankowski Spółka komandytowa
(Reviews: 0)

Poland, Gdansk, ul. Magnacka 15, Gdansk, 80-180



Recruitment of personnel for external companies with full care related to legal employment and stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland

Synago Maciej Jankowski Spółka komandytowa reviews and vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: Evgenii Shutov

Poland, Gdansk, ul. Magnacka 15, Gdansk, 80-180


NIP: 6040235362

About company:

Views 101
Jobs 3
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0

Recruitment of personnel for external companies with full care related to legal employment and stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland

☎: +48571664727 ✉: [email protected]