TONI&GUY HAIRDRESSING QATAR reviews and vacancies

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: barbie

Qatar, Doha, Duhail, Zone 30

About company:

Views 657
Jobs 1
Subscribers 4
Reviews 0
(Reviews: 0)

Qatar, Doha, Duhail, Zone 30



Toni Mascolo and Brother Guy co-founded the first TONI&GUY salon in 1963 in Clapham, London joined later by their two brothers Bruno and Anthony. By the late 1990 the company had grown from a single salon to over a hundred in over 20 countries world-wide.

Driven by their philosophy of pushing the boundaries of hairdressing and delivering creativity, quality and consistency to every client, Toni and Guy Mascolo were one of the first to begin the franchising boom, with the first franchised salon opening in Brighton in 1988.

TONI&GUY launch a global trend collection every year directed by Global Creative Director Sacha Mascolo-Tarbuck and created by the International Artistic ...

TONI&GUY HAIRDRESSING QATAR reviews and vacancies

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: barbie

Qatar, Doha, Duhail, Zone 30

About company:

Views 657
Jobs 1
Subscribers 4
Reviews 0

Toni Mascolo and Brother Guy co-founded the first TONI&GUY salon in 1963 in Clapham, London joined later by their two brothers Bruno and Anthony. By the late 1990 the company had grown from a single salon to over a hundred in over 20 countries world-wide.

Driven by their philosophy of pushing the boundaries of hairdressing and delivering creativity, quality and consistency to every client, Toni and Guy Mascolo were one of the first to begin the franchising boom, with the first franchised salon opening in Brighton in 1988.

TONI&GUY launch a global trend collection every year directed by Global Creative Director Sacha Mascolo-Tarbuck and created by the International Artistic Team taking inspiration from international fashion collections and popular culture, forecasting trends that implement the whole industry.

☎: ✉: [email protected]