Office assistant Jobs in Cape-Breton

  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    Canada (Cape-Breton)

    To assist we are looking for Office Boy in Canada in Cape-Breton for the agreed salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid once or twice a month; we are looking for skilled worker, fluent English , with work experience. Opportunities: contract, shared accomodation in fully equipped townhouse, transportatio...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


What documents do I need to start working as an office assistant in Cape-Breton?

To work as an office assistant in Cape-Breton, you'll need valid work authorization or a work visa confirming you have the right to live and work in the area. You should also bring along any certificate or degree that qualifies you for the role.

What kind of tasks do office assistants perform?

Office assistants are generally responsible for routine administrative tasks such as scheduling appointments, answering phones, making copies, typing letters and distributing mail. They may also be responsible for data entry functions and managing office supplies.

What qualities do I need to have to be an office assistant in Cape-Breton?

Office assistants must have strong organizational and communication skills, as well be proficient in basic computer software. Experience with schedule and calendar management, filing systems, and customer service is also beneficial.

Where can I find office assistant jobs in Cape-Breton?

You can check online job listing websites, such as Indeed and Monster, and local job postings websites such as Cape-Breton's JobBank for office assistant postings. You can also contact local businesses directly and inquire about open positions.

What is the minimum salary for office assistants in Cape-Breton?

The minimum salary for an office assistant in Cape-Breton is dependent on the employer, the specific job requirements and applicable laws. Generally, the minimum wage in the province is $14.50 per hour.