Jobs in Middlesbrough

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  • Уход за овцами

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Wi well

    3000+ £

    England (Middlesbrough)

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    Agency  Wi well
    Wi well


    Biometric passport

Moving to another country is a very difficult and energy-consuming process. And immigration to indeed Middlesbrough is generally considered the most difficult. To save your strength, nerves and money - experts and specialists in immigration told everything you need to know about the current rules of entry into the country. 

What are the features of working in Middlesbrough for foreigners?

A work visa to the UK for Ukrainians is a unified and obligatory permissive document, which, along with the accompanying forms (indeed jobs Middlesbrough contract, proof of qualifications, etc.), allows you to legally have Middlesbrough part time jobs for Indian students. In this case, we are talking about two possible formats of labor tourism: obtaining a work visa to Britain for those who go to get a jobs Middlesbrough in their specialty (tier 2) and those handymen who prefer seasonal labor activity (tier 5). According to statistics, the number of refusals at the British Embassy is many times higher than the same rate of refusals in other countries. Even a slight non-observance of the terms of registration can lead to a negative decision and, as a result, difficulties in further obtaining a work visa. 

What are the requirements for employers in Middlesbrough ?

Requirements for candidates: 

  • Age from 18 to 50 years (men, women, couples). The presence of a foreign passport, which will be valid for at least another 1 year after returning from England. 

  • Good physical fitness, endurance, ability to withstand manual physical labor in the field under different weather conditions. 

  • No problems with the migration legislation of Britain and other countries, no deportations from the EU countries. 

  • No criminal record in the country of residence / citizenship. No health problems: alcohol or drug addiction, viral diseases, etc.

  •  Proficiency in English is not required, but will be a great advantage when appointing to the position! 

How and where to look for work in Middlesbrough ?

Great Britain is known for its developed economy. In addition, there is a fair social security system. There are the highest wages among European countries. The combination of such features attracts people who want to find successful hgv jobs in Middlesbrough. There are different ways you can use your way to achieve this goal. But to find suitable part time jobs in Middlesbrough legally and safely, you can use There are other ways to search. For example, you can post your resume on the websites of UK companies or businesses that are interested in. If there are acquaintances or relatives who work or have previously worked in Middlesbrough, it is advisable to contact them for help. As an option to independently search for part time jobs in Middlesbrough for international students, you can try to get apprenticeships in Middlesbrough from the British media, which periodically post information about the job. 

What are the most popular jobs in Middlesbrough ?

Specialists of different profiles are in demand in Middlesbrough labor market. You can make an approximate list of the most popular ones:

  • IT specialists. Knowledge of the latest programming methods opens up great prospects both in terms of salary growth and career advancement. 

  • Nurses. Applicants for this specialty need to be prepared for the fact that the work schedule of junior medical personnel is often irregular. 

  • Cleaning jobs Middlesbrough and nannies. Education is usually not required. These professions are popular with migrant women. 

  • Builders and retail jobs Middlesbrough. The part time jobs in Middlesbrough for students is not easy, but it also pays well.

  • Handymen or driving jobs Middlesbrough. Usually these are meat cutters for factories, stores, as well as sorters, packers, etc. 

Many factories for workers in the UK provide housing, so families often come to work here. 

What is the cost of living in Middlesbrough ?

The rental rate is highly dependent on the Middlesbrough area. You can rent a small room in a house on the outskirts, where you will live with several strangers, for 500-600 pounds per month (40-45 thousand rubles). Middlesbrough offers affordable and decent living. There are many different grocery chains here that fit into any budget. There are shops where you can give 50 pounds (4 thousand rubles) for one purchase, and there are places where a person can buy groceries for a week for 15–20 pounds. 

What salary can i expect in Middlesbrough ?

The working day of citizens of Middlesbrough is clearly scheduled by the hour, which is why they do not know what it means to leave work early for personal needs. This is because the employer pays the employee at an hourly rate. The working day lasts no more than 8 hours. The cost of 1 hour depends on the age of the employee and his qualifications and is subject to mandatory review by the government once a year. Trainees receive the least - £ 3.90 per hour. Young people between 18 and 20 years old can expect an hourly salary of £ 6.15. Professionals 25 and older earn £ 8.21 an hour. The minimum wage is £ 8.71. In addition, the country's government plans to raise the rate to £ 9.00 by 2020. Middlesbrough part time jobs in Middlesbrough UK week is between 40 and 48 hours, which is the equivalent of earning £ 328 per week. Approximately £ 1,314 comes out per month. That is how much 1.4 million British people receive, which is 2% of the country's population.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in Middlesbrough ?

What are the privileges of permanent residence in this country? 

  • Standard of living. According to the ratings, the United Kingdom ranks 15th in the world in terms of the quality of life of the population. This indicates a developed transport system, a low crime rate and social protection. 

  • High salaries. Regardless of the structure in which an Englishman works, his salary will be significantly higher than that of many other Europeans. Doctors, brokers, company executives and lawyers earn the most. 

  • Environment and infrastructure. Absolutely all cities of the old world have a large number of parks. The abundance of trees and constant winds create a very welcoming atmosphere. Even in the center of London you want to breathe deeply.

However, there are drawbacks everywhere. If you are planning to obtain a fiance visa, student or work visa Middlesbrough, you should be prepared for all aspects of residence in the country. 

  • High prices. Anyone who has visited England on a tourist visa could notice how high prices in the country are. Accommodation, public transport, food, utilities will cost you several times more than in neighboring states. 

  • Climate. Those who have applied for a visa and are planning to move to the UK for a long time should prepare for the famous English fog and rain.