Construction - Renovation - ArchitectureWork standardAgency
Without experienceFor allPart time jobs -
Part-Time Welder
Construction - Renovation - ArchitectureWant MoreAgency
With accommodationWith free visa and ticketPart time jobs -
Welder (Contract)
Construction - Renovation - ArchitectureWant MoreAgency
Experience requiredWith accommodationContract jobWith visa sponsorship -
Entry-Level Welder (Contract)
Construction - Renovation - ArchitectureEcojobAgency
Without experienceWithout accommodationContract jobJobs for students -
Welder (Salalah, Oman)
Construction - Renovation - ArchitectureJobLeaderAgency
Experience requiredWith accommodationSuitable for men -
Part-time Welder
Construction - Renovation - ArchitectureWoopelAgency
Without experienceWith accommodationSuitable for menPart time jobs -
Construction - Renovation - ArchitectureWant MoreAgency
Without accommodationContract jobFor allOwn visa jobs -
Welder Apprentice
Construction - Renovation - ArchitectureAbroad WorkAgency
Without experiencePart time jobs -
Welder - Contract Position
Construction - Renovation - ArchitecturePPOARAgency
Without experienceWithout accommodationContract jobBiometric passport -
Part-Time Welder
Construction - Renovation - ArchitectureAvanta WorksAgency
With accommodationWith free visa and ticketPart time jobs