Some pieces of advice for a cover letter for an internship.


Daniela Kozak

If you are searching for a job and you have a resume ready, then you are required to write a cover letter. And why and how to write a cover letter internship, we will consider this article. 


What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a letter that can be written in addition to a resume to explain why you are suitable for this profession, what benefits the company can bring, and why they must choose you.


Why write a cover letter for an internship?

When you finish writing your resume, you should write a cover letter about the internship. This is necessary in order to increase the chances of getting an interview at the place where you want to work. You need to know your cover letter to the servants of your profession, skills, experience and competence.


Where to begin?

We advise you to start by finding the internship you want. Since it takes more time than writing a resume. Here are four basic descriptions for finding an internship:

  1. Contact the career services at your college or university.

If you are in college, your school should have a dedicated department to help you find internship opportunities. Be sure to apply this advice and contact them as soon as possible to increase your chances of landing one of the best, most desirable and affordable internships.

  1. Calling companies related to your field of study.

Sometimes things are much easier than you think. You only need to make a couple of quick phone calls to local companies to get an internship interview. With a bit of experience at work, you are more likely to find a summer internship related to an area of work that you would like to pursue after graduation.

  1.  Visit a virtual job fair.

 You have the opportunity to connect with the best businesses from all over the world at virtual job fairs.

Once you have found an online job fair in your country that interests you. You should dress in business attire, go online and start meeting potential employers. Even if nothing works out for you there, you will meet people who may be useful to you in the future.

  1. Check all your acquaintances and families

Employers love referrals, reviews, so if you know someone who is working and there is a relevant and open vacancy for an intern, and they have a positive impression of you, you have already taken a huge step closer to the internship and you have every chance to work there.


How to write a letter for an internship?

You have to try to make it detailed and interesting, no matter what you need. To make a well-written letter, we suggest you the following steps to write an outstanding intern resume and get your desired internship:

1) Using education template, internship resume and keywords:

  1.  Name - city, state

  2.  Expected release date;

  3.  Achievements and awards

  4.  Actual term paper;

  5.  High School Name - City, State;

  6.  Honors and awards in High School

  7.  Current topics / term papers.

  You can also add information about work experience in your projects:

  1. Name of project/campaign.

  2. The marker highlighting this key achievement of the project/campaign/accomplishment links it to the internship, if possible.

  3.  Add numbers everywhere you can and in these paragraphs to draw attention to it.

  4.  A marker describing your main success in this project/campaign/achievement

  5. Start these numbers with descriptive action verbs (example “Brought traffic”).

 Include numbers in your bullets and add an extra bullet or two if it is needed.

2) Write the target goal of the student's internship resume.

When you are writing an internship application, the purpose of the resume is the best way to start your resume, thereby targeting your proposal directly to a specific company. The purpose of the resume is NOT a statement that tells the employer that you want a big salary from them right away.

Instead, the purpose of your internship resume should emphasize a willingness to learn and apply all of your skills that you have already developed in school.

If you already had some little work experience, then you can change your resume to a resume that will show your accomplishments rather than your skills. As a student, your resume should showcase your very best traits and abilities.

3) Add additional information to the "Education" section.

If you are writing a student resume for an internship, then you will most likely have more educational experience than work experience. Therefore, we advise you to fill it with a lot of information, including information about:

  1. Average score

If you score 3.5 or higher on your next resume, it means you can be trusted to deliver quality work on time.

  1. Relevant coursework

A list of all coursework that matches the internship you are applying for gives employers a better idea of ​​the vast knowledge and skills.

3) Awards and prizes

Adding academic awards is just a plus on your resume, it will let your supervisor know that other professionals have recognized your hard work and past accomplishments.

4) Extracurricular activities

Mentioning clubs, sports, and other activities on your resume will showcase your additional skills, such as your ability to get along with people and leadership.

5) Set up a section for your main achievements

After you have listed your basic academic data. You need to assign a higher grade internship definition.

This section includes:

  1. Projects

  2. Campaigns

  3. Achievements

  4. Research work

Including one of these categories allows you to expand the highlights of your educational experience.

  Example cover letter for a design internship

Example cover letter for marketing manager internship  

What else can I relevant include in this section?

You have the opportunity to include in this section almost everything that is least applicable to this job, which has something to do with the internship.

nominate total by high school students collaborating with the facilitator in the club, and college students describe projects in class


How to format this partition?

You design this section as a work experience section. First use the name of the club/project as the title, then list all relevant accomplishments and responsibilities in the paragraphs below the heading, including the dates you worked.

5) Emphasize your skills earned over a lifetime.

End your internship resume with a balanced resume about the skills section. During your studies, you have developed many social skills that will make you a stronger candidate for an internship.

Skills acquired during the study period:

  1. Editing

  2. Software: Microsoft Office, Adobe

  3.  Wordpress

  4.  Online research

  5. Computer skills: typing, e-mail

  6. Remote communication technology: Zoom, Slack

  7. Organization skills

  8. Multitasking

  9. Cooperation

  10. Communication skills

  11. Leadership skills

  12. Solution of problems

  13. Empathy, etc.

All of the above criteria are just examples.

Don't worry if you don't have enough skills. And in most cases, any company does not expect their interns to have significant technical skills.

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