Bachelor's Degree Design and administration of information systems and databases
Kursk State University [ 01/09/2018 – 01/07/2022 ]
Field(s) of study: Information and Communication Technologies : Database and network design and administration Software and applications development and analysis
Type of credits: ECTS – Number of credits: 240
nstallation and maintenance of automated systems / Mastery of database design / Knowledge of API design; Programming
documentation;Tests and Debugging / Development of stored functions, views and procedures / Programming languages:
C#; . Net; C; C++; Python, Java; PHP; SQL. / / Design & IDE tools : Rational Rose, UML, ErWin, BpWin, Bizagi, Cisco packet
tracer. / Databases Management: Oracle 8.x/9.x, SQL Server, MS Access, MySQL. / Systems: Windows Server 2022, Linux/
Unix, Mac OS Xnstallation and maintenance of automated systems / Mastery of database design / Knowledge of API design; Programming
documentation;Tests and Debugging / Development of stored functions, views and procedures / Programming languages:
C#; . Net; C; C++; Python, Java; PHP; SQL. / / Design & IDE tools : Rational Rose, UML, ErWin, BpWin, Bizagi, Cisco packet
tracer. / Databases Management: Oracle 8.x/9.x, SQL Server, MS Access, MySQL. / Systems: Windows Server 2022, Linux/
Unix, Mac OS X
Mother tongue(s): French
Other language(s): English, Russia