Jobs in Liverpool

Popular cities in England:

London Manchester York Liverpool Glasgow 🔥 Remote job
  • 2800-3800 £

    England (Liverpool)

    Работники на куриное производство Без ночных смен. Женщины и мужчины до 50лет без детей График: Пн - Сб , в одну смену, по 10-12 часов. Суть работы: На предприятии есть несколько процессов, таких как: разделка, фелетирование, порционная резка и т.п. Проживание 200 фунтов в месяц с зар...
    Agency  PROFORCE


    Without experience
    With accommodation
    Seasonal job
    No English required jobs
    With visa sponsorship
    For all
  • 2000-2500 £

    England (Liverpool)

    Обязанности: Упаковка готовой продукции, наклейка стикера с информацией на упаковку, запайка упаковок, стикеровка и маркировка продукции, сортировка продукции; Требования: мужчины, женщины, семейные пары; возраст от 18 до 58 лет; наличие загран. паспорта; ответственность; исполнительность; ...
    Agency  PROFORCE


    Without experience
    With accommodation
    Seasonal job
    No English required jobs
    With visa sponsorship
    For all
  • 2800 £

    England (Liverpool)

    Производство Coca-Cola в Ливерпуле Сезонная виза на 6 месяцев с обязательным трудоустройством Женщины: Простые производственные работы, прием продукции с конвейера, упаковка в индивидуальные картонные коробки, упаковка коробок в картонные ящики Женщины: Работа сидя Мужчины: Укладка короб...
    Agency  C work
    C work


    Without experience
    With accommodation
    Full time job
    No English required jobs
    With visa sponsorship
    For all
  • 2500 £

    England (Liverpool)

    Сезонная виза на 6 месяцев с обязательным трудоустройством Упаковщик картона на складе. Ливерпуль. Легкая работа для всех! Требования к кандидатам: 1. Возраст от 18 до 50 лет (мужчины, женщины, семейные пары) 2. Наличие заграничного паспорта, который действует еще как минимум 2 года 3...
    Agency  C work
    C work


    Without experience
    With accommodation
    Full time job
    No English required jobs
    With visa sponsorship
    For all
  • 2000 £

    England (Liverpool)

    Get your IELTS certificate without exam or with exam. Upgrade your past scores in IELTS Get your desire band score without exams Amazing success stories from all Contact us on Telegram @D_Mihalache
    Agency  Caesars Palace Hotel & John Hopkins university
    Caesars Palace Hotel & John Hopkins university

    Direct employer

    Without experience
    With accommodation
    Full time job
    English speaking jobs
    For all
    With free visa and ticket
  • Sales Executive

    Restaurants - Cafes - Hotels
    Agency Abroad Work

    3000+ $

    England (Liverpool)

    For a seasonal work we urgently required Sales Executive in England in Liverpool for a decent salary start from 1600 to 1900 $, salary is paid every two weeks; we urgently required person that has an attention to detail candidate, knows basic English, with work experience. Facility: to work weekends...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Nurse

    Medicine - Pharmaceuticals - Healthcare
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To ensure stock rotation we need Nurse in Great Britain in Liverpool for a decent salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid every two weeks; we are urgently hiring for a decent employee, fluent English, no work experience. Facility: able to work weekends or holidays if required, accommodation, transportat...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Chef

    Restaurants - Cafes - Hotels
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Liverpool)

    To ensure stock rotation we need Chef in Great Britain in Liverpool for a good salary $2400 - 2600, salary is paid once or twice a month; we urgently needed person that has an attention to detail candidate, fluent English, work experience up to 1 year. Conditions: temporary, accommodation, transport...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Driver

    Drivers - Truckers - Couriers
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To perform we need Driver in Great Britain in Liverpool for a decent salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid once or twice a month; looking for a punctual candidate, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, work experience up to 1 year. Status: 40 hours a week, accommodation, transport...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Driver

    Drivers - Truckers - Couriers
    Agency Abroad Work

    2000$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To ensure stock rotation we are looking for Driver in England in Liverpool on competitive wages 2000$, salary is paid every two weeks; we are looking for a punctual worker, fluent English, 5 - 7 years working experience. Status: flexible with work hours, shared accomodation in fully equipped townhou...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    2800 $ per month $

    England (Liverpool)

    To assist we are looking for Office Boy in Great Britain in Liverpool for a high salary 2800 $ per month, salary is paid every two weeks; we urgently required a decent candidate, knows basic English, 1+ years experience. Conditions: 12 hours duty, accommodation, transportation from work, meals at th...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Sales Executive

    Restaurants - Cafes - Hotels
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Liverpool)

    To ensure stock rotation we need Sales Executive in England in Liverpool for a decent salary $2400 - 2600, salary is paid by contract; we are urgently hiring for honest specialist, basic English, 2 to 5 years’ experience in. Facility: contract, sharing accommodation, transportation to work, meals at...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Safety Officer

    Security - Security - Power structures
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To assist looking for Safety Officer in Great Britain in Liverpool for a high salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid every two weeks; we are looking for honest candidate, basic English, 1+ years experience. Conditions: 12 hours duty, shared accomodation in fully equipped townhouse, transportation to an...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Safety Officer

    Security - Security - Power structures
    Agency Abroad Work

    2000$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To ensure stock rotation we are urgently hiring for Safety Officer in England in Liverpool on competitive wages 2000$, salary is paid every two weeks; looking for a punctual specialist, basic English, 2 to 5 years’ experience in. Conditions: 40 hours a week, sharing accommodation, transportation to ...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Chef

    Restaurants - Cafes - Hotels
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Liverpool)

    To manage we urgently needed Chef in Great Britain in Liverpool for wages $2400 - 2600, salary is paid by contract; we are urgently hiring for a responsible employee, basic English, 5 - 7 years working experience. Opportunities: 40 hours a week, shared accomodation in fully equipped townhouse, trans...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    2800 $ per month $

    England (Liverpool)

    To ensure stock rotation we need Helper in Great Britain in Liverpool for a decent salary 2800 $ per month, salary is paid every two weeks; we are looking for a passionate specialist, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, 1+ years experience. Facility: 4 hours a day, sharing acc...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Interior Designer

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    For a seasonal work we are urgently hiring for Interior Designer in England in Liverpool for wages 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid by contract; we urgently needed physically fit to handle the duties handyman, fluent English, with work experience. Conditions: full time, accommodation and transportation,...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Chef

    Restaurants - Cafes - Hotels
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To manage looking for Chef in Great Britain in Liverpool for a good salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid once or twice a month; looking for honest worker, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, work experience up to 1 year. Opportunities: 4 hours a day, sharing accommodation, tran...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Chef

    Restaurants - Cafes - Hotels
    Agency Abroad Work

    2800 $ per month $

    England (Liverpool)

    To resolve problems we are urgently hiring for Chef in England in Liverpool for wages 2800 $ per month, salary is paid by contract; we are urgently hiring for energetic and hard working handyman, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, work experience up to 1 year. Facility: contr...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Salesman

    Stores - Purchases - Procurement
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    For manpower pooling we are looking for Salesman in England in Liverpool for wages 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid every two weeks; we are looking for a responsible handyman, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, work experience up to 1 year. Opportunities: part time, accommodation...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Chef

    Restaurants - Cafes - Hotels
    Agency Abroad Work

    3000+ $

    England (Liverpool)

    For manpower pooling we need Chef in Great Britain in Liverpool for a decent salary start from 1600 to 1900 $, salary is paid by contract; we are looking for a punctual employee, knows basic English, work experience up to 1 year. Status: to work weekends or holidays, accommodation and transportation...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Salesman

    Stores - Purchases - Procurement
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    For a seasonal work we urgently needed Salesman in Great Britain in Liverpool for a decent salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid every two weeks; we are looking for a decent worker, knows basic English, 5 - 7 years working experience. Facility: temporary, shared accomodation in fully equipped townhous...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Salesman

    Stores - Purchases - Procurement
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To resolve problems we need Salesman in Great Britain in Liverpool for a decent salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid once or twice a month; we urgently needed a responsible candidate, fluent English, work experience up to 1 year. Opportunities: part time, sharing accommodation, transportation to work...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Truck Driver

    Drivers - Truckers - Couriers
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To assist we are looking for Truck Driver in England in Liverpool for a high salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid by contract; we urgently required person that has an attention to detail candidate, basic English, no work experience. Status: full time, accommodation, transportation from work, meals at...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    2800 $ per month $

    England (Liverpool)

    To manage we urgently needed Helper in England in Liverpool on salary 2800 $ per month, salary is paid at the end of each week; we need physically fit to handle the duties handyman, knows basic English, work experience up to 1 year. Facility: 40 hours a week, shared accomodation in fully equipped to...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Truck Driver

    Drivers - Truckers - Couriers
    Agency Abroad Work

    2000$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To manage we need Truck Driver in England in Liverpool for a high salary 2000$, salary is paid every two weeks; we urgently needed a decent handyman, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, no work experience. Facility: hiring in maximum of 2 weeks, accommodation and transportatio...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Safety Officer

    Security - Security - Power structures
    Agency Abroad Work

    3000+ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To assist we urgently needed Safety Officer in Great Britain in Liverpool on salary start from 1600 to 1900 $, salary is paid once or twice a month; we urgently needed physically fit to handle the duties specialist, basic English, work experience up to 1 year. Conditions: 12 hours duty, accommodatio...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Civil Engineer

    Engineer - Technologist
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To negotiate we urgently needed Civil Engineer in England in Liverpool for a decent salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid every two weeks; we urgently needed a decent candidate, fluent English, 1+ years experience. Facility: flexible with work hours, sharing accommodation, transportation to work, duty...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Interior Designer

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To build rapport with looking for Interior Designer in England in Liverpool for wages 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid every two weeks; we urgently needed energetic and hard working handyman, knows basic English, work experience up to 1 year. Facility: part time, sharing accommodation, transportation t...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Civil Engineer

    Engineer - Technologist
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Liverpool)

    To negotiate we are urgently hiring for Civil Engineer in Great Britain in Liverpool for the agreed salary $2400 - 2600, salary is paid once or twice a month; we need a passionate specialist, fluent English, work experience up to 1 year. Conditions: temporary, shared accomodation in fully equipped t...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Salesman

    Stores - Purchases - Procurement
    Agency Abroad Work

    2000$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    For work looking for Salesman in England in Liverpool for a decent salary 2000$, salary is paid every two weeks; we need a passionate candidate, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, 1+ years experience. Status: full time, accommodation and transportation, transportation to and ...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Interior Designer

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Liverpool)

    To build rapport with we urgently required Interior Designer in Great Britain in Liverpool on competitive wages $2400 - 2600, salary is paid by contract; we need a responsible candidate, basic English, 5 - 7 years working experience. Conditions: temporary, accommodation, transportation from work, m...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Civil Engineer

    Engineer - Technologist
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To build rapport with we need Civil Engineer in Great Britain in Liverpool for a good salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid at the end of each week; we urgently required a punctual employee, basic English, work experience up to 1 year. Conditions: temporary, shared accomodation in fully equipped town...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    2000$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To resolve problems we urgently required Office Boy in England in Liverpool for a good salary 2000$, salary is paid every two weeks; we are looking for a passionate employee, fluent English, 5 - 7 years working experience. Facility: contract, accommodation and transportation, transportation to work,...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Physiotherapist

    Medicine - Pharmaceuticals - Healthcare
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Liverpool)

    To assist we urgently needed Physiotherapist in Great Britain in Liverpool for the agreed salary $2400 - 2600, salary is paid at the end of each week; we urgently needed physically fit to handle the duties handyman, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, no work experience. Facil...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Driver

    Drivers - Truckers - Couriers
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    For manpower pooling we urgently needed Driver in England in Liverpool on salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid at the end of each week; looking for a decent worker, fluent English, 2 to 5 years’ experience in. Status: part time, accommodation and transportation, transportation to work, meals at the h...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Truck Driver

    Drivers - Truckers - Couriers
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    For work we need Truck Driver in Great Britain in Liverpool for a good salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid every two weeks; we urgently required energetic and hard working handyman, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, 5 - 7 years working experience. Status: part time, accommod...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Chef

    Restaurants - Cafes - Hotels
    Agency Abroad Work

    2000$ $

    England (Liverpool)

    To build rapport with we need Chef in England in Liverpool for a good salary 2000$, salary is paid at the end of each week; we are looking for physically fit to handle the duties specialist, knows basic English, 5 - 7 years working experience. Status: full time, shared accomodation in fully equippe...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work



    Security - Security - Power structures
    Agency Rainsteal Oil & Gas Limited, UK.

    3000 £

    England (Liverpool)

    Roustabouts / Roughnecks, Welders / Mechanics, Rig Operators / Drillers, Engineers (petroleum and mechanical) Health and safety officer, Superintendent SMP, SMP Supervisor, Document Controller Clerk, Community Superintendent, Training / HRD superintendent; SMP Engineer, Mine Engineer, Mine Surveyor,...
    Agency  Rainsteal Oil & Gas Limited, UK.
    Rainsteal Oil & Gas Limited, UK.

    Direct employer

    Experience required
    Full time job
    English speaking jobs
    Biometric passport
    For all
  • 3000 £

    England (Liverpool)

    Наша компания в поиске работника для длительного сотрудничества на вакансию упаковщик кондитерских изделий. Cadbury – это известная компания в Англии по производству продуктов питания. Требования к сотрудникам: Возраст от 18 до 55 лет (мужчины, женщины, семейные пары). Знание языка не ...
    Agency  PROFORCE


    Without experience
    With accommodation
    Seasonal job
    No English required jobs
    With visa sponsorship
    For all

Liverpool is one of the ten most visited cities for both foreign travelers and local tourists. According to the Telegraph Travel Award, according to readers of the publication, Liverpool is ranked seventh among the best cities in the UK. Today Liverpool is not only a port and musical city, but also a center of warehouse jobs Liverpool and retail jobs Liverpool. The good news is that students can also get a job and there are also part time jobs Liverpool for students, so that students can study, work and rest as all their time can be reasonably scheduled thanks to part-time work! A lot of other professions are present.

What jobs are in demand in Liverpool?

There are such jobs in Liverpool that can also be your full time jobs Liverpool and weekend jobs Liverpool:

  1. IT specialists.  If you are a good specialist in this field, excellently versed in the latest technologies and fluent in modern programming languages, it will not be difficult for you to find a job in the UK.  The average salary of an Information Technology Specialist in the UK is currently £ 34,550 per year.
  2. Entrepreneurs.  A separate Tier 1 Entrepreneur category has been developed for foreign entrepreneurs wishing to open their own business in the UK.  The country is interested in the inflow of foreign investments and the creation of new jobs
  3. Nurses.  The local NHS health care system has a huge need for different types of specialists.  Most of all, nurses are in demand - all newspapers trumpet about their shortage, nurses are even included in the list of scarce professions.
  4. School teachers. The teaching of individual subjects is even listed in the shortage list.  Among them are teachers of mathematics, chemistry and physics.  The minimum salary for qualified foreign teachers is £ 21,438 per year.
  5. Financiers with local education.  London, having justified its title of the world financial center, and specialists in the field of finance are especially in demand here.  Of course, the chances of finding a job are painful for professionals with local experience and education, but even without them it is quite possible to hire a job in the UK, if there are really good specialists. 6. Sales managers.  Local job search sites are full of job advertisements in sales.  The ability to sell is in demand in any country, and in England it is especially appreciated due to the huge competition in the local market.
  6. Engineers.  Certain engineering specialties have even made it onto the shortage occupation list.  For example, in Britain there is not enough oil and gas with engineers in the industry.
  7. Lawyers.  Do not forget that it is in the UK that some of the most prestigious law schools in the world are located: Cambridge, Oxford, Glasgow and others.  The income of a good lawyer with work experience, however, is lower than that of a surgeon - it is only 117 thousand euros
  8. Managers.  The top manager is still a popular position.  The average salary of an Englishman in this position is approximately 180 thousand euros in a year.  The main responsibilities, as a rule, include the effective organization of a company or enterprise, responsibility for the most efficient functioning of the team and the promotion of goods and services.

What are the requirements for employers in Liverpool?

English proficiency. To officially get a job, you must have at least B1 level of English according to the European CERF system. You can present one of the following certificates: TOEFL, IELTS, UCLES, ILEC, ICFE, BEC, FCE. Proficiency in a second foreign language (for example, French or German) will be a significant advantage.

Summary. It should be ideal: without "water", cliché phrases and, preferably, separate for each organization (taking into account its characteristics). Indicate at least two contacts who can vouch for you and give a positive description as a specialist. A sample template and guidelines for filling can be found here. Be sure to supplement your resume with a cover letter, where succinctly explain why you are interested in working for this company and what benefits the organization will receive if you join it. See here for good examples.

Recognition of qualifications. Often, education received outside of Liverpool England will have to be officially confirmed on the territory of the kingdom. You can determine how your documents comply with local regulations through the National Recognition Clearinghouse.

What is the cost of living in Liverpool?

Total cost of living in Liverpool for two people with an average consumption for one month, excluding housing costs, will be $ 1355.90.

What is the salary in Liverpool?

  • Maximum -15663.38 $;
  • Medium - $ 3221.64;
  • Minimum- 402.24 $.

It is matter also if you have part time jobs Liverpool or work from home jobs Liverpool. Take it into account.

How can I get a job in Liverpool?

The best option is to enroll in a local university and come to the country for the first time on a student visa, which allows you to work a certain number of hours per week. But if you do not have time or opportunity for such an option, you will have to be patient and start an independent search.

You can also use such a site to search as a Layboard, there are many vacancies and information available here.