Warehouse Worker Jobs in London

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3000+ $

England (London)

Contact me - WhatsApp +44 7537 131468 Telegram +44 7418 623718 Position: Warehouse Packer (Dairy Goods) Company: Field and Flower Location: United Kingdom Salary: $3,660 - $4,200 per month About Us: Field and Flower distributes premium dairy products in the UK, focusing on quality and ef...
Mr Artem, senior HR

Direct employer

Without experience
With accommodation
Full time job
No English required jobs
For all
  • Warehouse worker at a toy store in London

    Warehouse - Logistics - Customs
    Agency WorkForceWorld LTD

    3000-3500 $

    England (London)

    Hamleys toy store warehouse. Salary: 17 pounds/hour, 3400-4000 pounds/month. Vacancy description: Hamleys toy store warehouse. Place of work: England, London. Description: The most famous toy store in the world market, Hamleys, is inviting warehouse employees to work at Hamleys - this is more t...
    Agency  WorkForceWorld LTD
    WorkForceWorld LTD

    Private person