Road workers Jobs in New Zealand

Popular cities in New Zealand:

Hastings Napier Tauranga Rotorua Fangarei 🔥 Remote job
  • Workers Needed

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency AEC LTD

    3000+ $

    New Zealand (Napier)

    We are urgently hiring people who are interested to work abroad and live here for period of 3-4years... Interested applicant should forward their resume and inquire through email Hope to enjoy our work time the goal getters .
    Agency  AEC LTD



How much do Road workers earn in New Zealand?

The average Road workers salary in New Zealand is 1500$ per month. Entry-level positions start at 1000$ monthly, while most skilled employees make up to 2000$ per month.

What is the best Road workers jobs in New Zealand

One of the most popular types of vacancies for Road workers in New Zealand:
  • Workers Needed

Can I obtain a Road workers job in New Zealand without language skills or experience?

Yes. Several firms are open to working with employees with minimal knowledge of the language. Naturally, companies choose skilled workers. But some businesses in New Zealand hire Road workers without experience.