Mechanical Engineer Jobs Abroad

  • 1900 $

    Kuwait (Al-Kuwait)

    We are looking for employees to work!! Position - Mechanical Engineer, pay 1900$. without bad habits. age does not matter. Prizes and bonuses available! Payouts salary from 1 to 8 day of the month.Information about the vacancy:- possible processing - consider with visa and without - help with movin...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • 1500 $

    UAE (Dubai)

    Urgently need an employee for the vacancy!. For the position Mechanical Engineer. competitive salary 1500$, priority hard worker ready to work, provide the necessary amount of work, Accruals salary from 3 to 8 day of the month, Comfortable conditions.Details of the vacancy:- if there is no visa, we...
    Agency  Avanta Works
    Avanta Works
