Career Prospects in Dubai’s Green Economy.


Denis Popov

Living in Dubai offers expatriates many advantages in terms of professional development and career opportunities. The multinational state, in which ethnic Emiratis make up 15% of the population, is oriented toward welcoming foreigners who are willing to work in the local market and invest their finances in profitable projects.

The country has minimal unemployment, which finally stabilized after the end of the pandemic. Foreign workers largely fill the developed labor market. Vacancies are available in all fields, but most migrants focus on wholesale and retail trade, construction, and real estate. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization is developing effective solutions to increase the market. For example, employers can create temporary positions, employees have the right to work in several companies at the same time, and unemployment insurance has been introduced.

Exploring Green Jobs in Dubai

Agriculture is one of the most promising areas that Arab investors are particularly interested in. Every year, considerable sums of money are invested in the development of this sphere, which is used to develop new land, purchase special equipment, and pay qualified employees.

Clearly, in the agricultural jobs in Dubai, as in most other industries, the decisive importance belongs to human labor. Engineers and managers, technologists and mechanics, agronomists, and soil scientists are all specialists who work in agriculture. Exploring Green Jobs in Dubai

Skills and Qualifications for the Green Economy

An agronomist is the second person after the farm manager on whom the success of an agricultural business depends. A farm can grow grains, vegetables, fruits, fodder grasses, sunflowers, and anything else, depending on the climate, soil, and market demand. The agronomist confidently determines the optimal plants and varieties to cultivate, as well as the appropriate timing for tasks such as sowing, harvesting, and watering.  And all this on a large scale of a field, or even several. His duties also include studying the soil condition, selecting fertilizers, and choosing methods of parasite control. With the onset of autumn, the agronomist has new concerns: to ensure the safety of the harvest and to prepare high-quality seeds for the next planting year. The agronomist is subordinated to machine operators and farmers. He organizes their work, training, and timely assistance in case of difficulties.

Essential Skills for Green Jobs

Professional development programs for agronomists will be changing significantly shortly. Digital technologies, automation, and artificial intelligence penetrate all spheres of agribusiness, significantly transforming the requirements for skills and competencies of specialists. But, today in Dubai there are a few basic requirements for specialists. To work in this field one needs:

  • Ability to work with crops

  • Knowledge of soil peculiarities   

  • Ability to select fertilizers

  • Knowledge of technologies of crop production and its primary processing

  • Knowledge of technologies of storage, transportation, and pre-sale preparation of crop production

In addition to the hard skills listed above, an agronomist should also have flexible skills. First, it is the ability to work in a team. The one who only plans activities for growing crops, but realizes them by the staff of the event: vegetable growers, growers, gardeners, operators of agricultural machinery, and many others. Accordingly, workers need to competently convey goals, tasks, and the order of execution of various procedures, point out mistakes and avoid conflict situations. It is important to work in Dubai to communicate with the enterprise's management, for example, to inform them about the expediency of the application and financing of new technologies, crops, means, and equipment. Essential Skills for Green Jobs

Educational Pathways 

The Education for Green Jobs initiative concentrates on supporting updates to build the workforce. The job for foreigners must be available and legal. It is based on improving education, career advising, and placement processes to promote green jobs for foreigners. It is well-known for chaining communication processes between employers and educators around workforce needs for ongoing improvements. This initiative supports the rise of jobs for foreigners in the green sphere. The components of the initiative include events for employers and educators, Solutions Summits and a virtual community for sharing strategies and successes, support and continuous communication, and the global guidance document.

The Impact of Sustainability on Employment

In the structure of professionally important qualities for work abroad, a special place is given to the volitional qualities of personality. The manifestation of volitional qualities is determined not only by human motives, and moral attitudes but also by innate features of manifestation of properties of the nervous system. The study and development of volitional qualities is of great importance for many types of activity, including the professional activity of a law enforcement officer. It is necessary to predict the success of volitional regulation of activity, based on the specific conditions of this activity, making requirements for specific volitional manifestations. Working abroad requires moral fortitude and the ability to withstand strong loads.

The Role of Technology in Green Jobs

New technologies in the Green economy cover a wide range of sectors and technical means aimed at increasing the productivity of agricultural enterprises. New agricultural technologies include farm fleets, robotics, computers, satellites, drones, mobile devices, and software. 

Another example of the adoption of innovative technologies in agriculture is the use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). To maximize yields and keep up with the times, farmers need to be well-versed in the latest technological innovations and aware of new opportunities for their application in the agricultural sector. Their role is important. Robotic labor technology is a promising option for a new workforce for precision agriculture. Autonomous robotic labor will allow for continuous field management and increased agricultural productivity and efficiency, as robots can collect information about their surroundings on their site. Also, New precision farming technologies that use GPS data help to increase productivity and reduce unsustainable spending on inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and fuel. GPS not only provides location-based field information but also makes it easier to coordinate operations between individual pieces of farm equipment and keep records of completed field work on specialized platforms. This new technology provides monitoring and management of field operations, field data collection, and analysis, accurate sampling for soil analysis, crop mapping, navigation and control of new agricultural equipment, and operation in low visibility conditions, such as heavy rain or fog.

Navigating the Green Job Market in Dubai

With a dynamic economy and a vibrant business scene, Dubai offers a wide range of employment and career opportunities. The city attracts professionals from all over the world, especially in fields such as banking, real estate, hospitality, tourism, healthcare, and information technology. Dubai is a coveted destination for professionals looking to further their careers due to its tax-free atmosphere, high salaries, and career growth potential. From 2015 to 2021, the proportion of “green jobs” rose by 38.5 percent, increasing from 9.6 percent to 13.3 percent. A great deal of that growth came, as expected, in the renewable green sector. But, what sectors and skills are growing? The design sector is creating green jobs due to an increasing focus on high recycling rates and stricter eco-design criteria. This has made eco-design: from packaging to building roofs and other products an emerging job source. Growing environmental awareness is also fostering more ecotourism. This has led to the creation of jobs related to adventure experiences, the discovery of protected areas, and the renewal of rural areas such as eco-villages. The demand for green skills is rapidly expanding, with ecosystem management (skills focused on the costs of climate-induced natural disasters and extreme events), environmental policy, and pollution prevention being the top areas of growth.

That is, there are many chances to start a successful career in this field in Dubai. Working abroad can open up new career prospects for you. It allows you to develop your speaking skills, and gain new experience and professional development. If you're ready for a challenge and want to broaden your horizons, working overseas should be a top consideration.

16.04.24 932
I'm really glad I saw this article. It has helped to get closer to green jobs.


Thanks for the well-structured information!


I’ll recommend it to all my friends. There is lots of useful information about green jobs.


The importance of the mentioned skills is the real truth. I have seen it in my own experience.


It is very easy to find a job in the green sector with the information from this article.


if you can need I have no money


Hello sir my job apply process complete updated me


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