How to find jobs in foreign countries?.


Denis Popov

Why do people go to work abroad?

Many people are dissatisfied with working conditions, wages, employers' attitudes and job prospects in their home countries. Therefore, they begin to be interested in how to find jobs in foreign countries and how to work there. For many people from poor countries, a dream job is one where they pay a good salary, and there are normal conditions for life and work. Modern job search capabilities allow you to find a job not only in your native, but also in international markets, as it often happens that positions abroad offer more profitable employment than the same vacancy in the country where a person lives. Of course, international jobs are harder to get than jobs in your home country, and you need to know more and have more skills. The reason for this is the fact that trying to get a job in your country and fighting for the best job opportunities, assuming you live in a poor country, you will not face as much competition for any vacancy as if you were tripling for a job in a rich country. Such job openings are offered by a considerable number of international workers like you, and not only from one poor country, but from several of them. Therefore, if you research all job openings for which you could work, you need to choose those vacancies where you can easily compete with other employees.

Is it easy for a foreigner to work in another country?

If you quickly get used to changes, then not very much. Obviously, if you are doing job search, and specifically you are interested in overseas jobs, you will have to move to another country for this (an exception would be if you work for a foreign company but remotely). Modern overseas job fairs also offer such job options, and this is very convenient for people who do not want to leave their country, or who have the opportunity to work from home. But even if you work online or move to another country, you need to understand that any company abroad has its own work culture, which you, regardless of your status, must accept and behave accordingly. And in general, everyone who wants to live and work in another country must understand that all other countries have their own culture and customs, not only in work, but simply in life. And often they are quite different from their home country, since any country's culture is built on the history of this or that people, and from childhood people are brought up in exactly the culture that belongs to their own country. In addition to culture, job seekers should know the local language at least at the initial level, although English remains universal for all work overseas.

Where can I view available vacancies in any country in the world?

Quite often, employers post open positions that are available in their companies on the Internet. There are many different websites where people can find jobs. These can be local sites, only for residents of a particular country, but there are also international sites that are open to anyone who wants to find a job in another country. Such helpful resources are usually quite easy to find, you just need to write in the search box the country in which you want to work and the vacancy. Most of the modern vacancies at overseas job fairs are designed not only for local workers but also for residents of other countries, and there are those that are looking for predominantly foreign workers, and all such vacancies can be found on many international job sites, which are either separate for each country , or on one site all vacancies from all countries are collected, and the one who is looking for simply selects the desired country and views all the vacancies of interest to him. At the moment, international job search covers many countries, and every year the number of countries in which public international job boards for foreigners appear increases.

But how often do people specifically come in and look for work on their own? Many international employers, in addition to regular sites, do job postings on social media sites. Social media is currently used by a very large number of people, and posting ads about working overseas there can, if not encourage active job searches, make you think about it. Such social media ads usually contain some of the available and popular open positions, which almost anyone can work in and get a good salary. And this really attracts a sufficient number of workers who can then move to a new country for international employment. But the method of advertising and posts in social media is more suitable for young people who want to try working overseas, and can do this because nothing really keeps them in their home country.

Determine the type of job you want

Every person wondered "Who do I want to be?" not only in childhood, but already in adulthood. And in fact, understanding who you want to work for is very important for any person, because if you do not enjoy your work, it will be suffering and a way to survive, and not really a job. Therefore, if you want to apply for any international job, you must determine for yourself exactly who you want and will work in a foreign country, so that when you arrive at work, you do not start rushing about all the vacancies, working here and there, and nowhere and really not earning anything. The only thing you'll earn is notoriety among employers (no one anywhere likes vague people who don't know what they want) and waste a lot of time. With such success, it is easier to stay in your own country, not applying for any international job, and not complicate the life of employers and yourself. Deciding which job you want to work in is very important.

How do I know which job I can apply for?

If you have already worked somewhere in your home country, or are still working, you can independently analyze all your work experience in the fields in which you worked before. Yes, an international job will be much different from an identical job in your home country, but it will differ rather in the atmosphere of work, traditions and generally accepted norms, and the very essence of the work will not change. You can also determine what kind of job you can work in by analyzing your relevant skills, opportunities and education. It all depends on what kind of work you can get in your desired country. If you find it difficult to evaluate yourself, you can talk to someone qualified who knows you well as a person and as an employee. For example, this could be your human resources from a past or current job, a friend, a family member. The main thing is that this is a person who can adequately and honestly evaluate everything that you can do.

Decide what country you want to work in

Choosing the right country in which you will work is just as important as choosing the right job for you, where you can work. There are different ways to find the right country for you. One of these, for the relatively wealthy, is traveling abroad. After spending some time abroad in a potentially good country for work, you can decide for yourself whether it is right for you or not. But what if there is no such possibility? Then the Internet will come to the rescue, which also helps to find a job in another country.On the Internet you can find any information you need about every country in the world. Besides just information, you can find out everything about a job in another country from those who worked there, or current employee and can tell you everything that interests you, whether the job descriptions correspond to the real working conditions. 

Also, the choice of a country for obtaining a job in another country may be influenced by your field of employment and skills and work experience. For example, if you are a specialist in such a field as oil and gas production, you can apply for a job in countries that specialize in this. For example, it can be the countries of the Persian Gulf. If you are looking for a job in another country, being a student, or just a person with no special education, at the job fair you can count on a job in the tourism sector in one of the countries where people from all over the world come to enjoy the climate. Or you may be looking to work for a specific person, such as a driver, if you have a driver's license. In the global labor market, everyone can find exactly the job that will suit a person, and where it will be convenient and good for him to work.

Find a job vacancy in the country

After you have decided on the country in which you want to work, you need to find a vacancy for yourself. As you already know, overseas jobs are available in almost all areas of employment, for people without higher education and without it, with and without extensive work experience. Therefore, overseas jobs are in such demand among residents of poor countries. You will be very lucky if you can make friends with a person who got a job in another country and is already working for one of the international companies. In addition to the fact that you will learn all the details of foreign transfer and life in your chosen country, if you try, you will also be able to receive job alerts from a person who lives there. Such acquaintances can be useful to you if you want to get an overseas job and are actively researching the job fair of a particular country. As for work. If you want to work in one of the large multinational corporations, if you have the necessary skills, then you will be a very sought-after employee in any country in the world. And there you will be able to choose vacancies that will suit you in terms of salary and conditions, the location of the office in which you will work, and so on. It even happens that by posting your resume on specialized sites, you may receive a call from a prospective employer with an offer to work in his company. This can happen if, for example, you have a qualification in the field of health care, but there are countries where there are not enough such workers, even despite the high salaries. Calls from employers themselves with an offer to work for them is a fairly common practice, since it is easier for employers to choose potential employees according to publicly available data, and invite already selected ones to an interview for employment.

But what if you do not have a higher education? 

Don't worry, there are jobs for those who are just good at doing any job that doesn't require any specific qualifications. It can be a job in tourism or construction. You can also work as a deliverer of letters, or food, you can work in a taxi, or you can also be a truck driver and deliver goods to various countries. Yes, for some of these jobs you need to be qualified, for example, to work as a driver you need to have a driver's license. But agree with me, it is much easier and faster to get it than education at the University of Oxford, for example. The main and generalized rule for everyone who wants to get new jobs abroad is to know English well, as well as quickly adapt to local working and living conditions. Remember that the right vacancy for work will give you the opportunity not only to work and earn money, but also to enjoy your work, which also greatly affects the quality of work, and subsequently the salary.

Get your visa/permit documents in tact

In order to work abroad, you will need a document such as a visa. Any work visa in its purpose and number of permits is very different from working holiday visas and also from tourist visas. That visa or work permit, which is issued to employees, allows labor activity in the territory of the country where it is issued. And in addition to visas for work, in order to work abroad, it is imperative to obtain work permits for the job in which you are going to work. All this is necessary for legal employment in any country. And illegal employment, when your employer and you do not issue a visa or work permit, threatens with quite bad consequences for both.

Are the same visas for workers everywhere?

In most cases, yes. In all countries, a work permit is issued to those who are not a citizen of a particular country but want to work in that country, that is, it is simply a document that legally allows you to work in the country, and the employer to hire you. And in all countries, a work permit is essentially the same document, and its difference lies in the country that issued it. But visas are different. So, in most countries, this is also a common document that legalizes your stay in the country. But in some countries, for example in Great Britain, there is a separate visa for each type of employment. And the type of visa you will receive depends not only on the type of your employment, but also on your education, if any. If not, you will get a completely different visa. In a sense, such a system makes it easier to identify people for the tax authorities, but at the same time it scares inexperienced workers who receive a visa for the first time in this country. But fortunately for everyone who wants to work in other countries, such a phenomenon is quite rare.

Get your CV ready and apply

This is one of the final stages of your employment. In order to get a job and get a long lasting relationship with your new employer, you need to think very carefully about your resume, which you will send to employers (if you are applying for more than one vacancy, but several), and cover letters. If you are applying for more than one job, you will need to write an individual resume for each prospective employer. This is necessary so that you paint all your skills as much as possible in accordance with a particular vacancy. If you are applying for any of the top jobs lists in any country, you will need to prepare the perfect interview that will show the employer your best side. 

Is it always needed to go through an interview?

More than that, since it is important for the employer to see you live, communicate and get to know you as a person and what you are like in real life. There are some rules and regulations in writing a CV and resume, according to which it should contain only the necessary information about you as an employee and nothing more. And just at the interview, your employer can learn from you, if he needs to, about your life, hobbies, interests, etc. Only the severity of the interview can change. For example, those who will apply for a job as a waiter, and a marketer or manager, will have completely different interviews with different questions. Also, they will last for a different amount of time. But what about the fact that for that interview, the applicant must carefully prepare in order to normally answer all the questions.

What is undesirable to write in a cover letter?

1. Don't retell your biography.

This is a separate document that is rarely needed, since it is important for your employer to know how you work, and in general everything related to your professional activities, how you will be useful at work, what skills you have and how you can improve and not your life . Use the employer's time and space in the CV wisely, because if it fails to grab attention from the first lines (and it won't if there is a lot of extra stuff), then consider that you have almost lost your chance to get this job.

2. Do not write too insensitively and formally.

You should tell everything you can about yourself, show yourself in the best light, talk about all the benefits, and not just write a resume that will simply notify the employer that someone is applying for a job. Also, employers really appreciate creativity and the ability to properly present yourself, so try to write a sincere and normal cover letter.

3. Don't post about your hobbies.

The only exception is if your gobbi is directly related to your field of activity, and will help you improve your work skills. For example, if you want to work as a journalist and your hobby is photography or writing, this will be a significant plus and show your interest in the work. And the interest in the work means better productivity and quality of work.

4. Don't overestimate yourself and show off

The only thing it will do is worsen the attitude of the employer towards you. Nobody likes arrogant and proud employees who talk a lot, but when it comes to work, they can't do what is required of them. By writing a CV in this way, you will lose your job without even getting it. It is better to describe what you will really be useful in the work, and what skills you have.

5. Don't write about work experience that has nothing to do with your current job.

This is simply information that the employer does not need, but if you think that this skill will somehow be useful to you in the current vacancy. argue. This will be more of a plus than a minus. Also, it is not necessary to list in the letter all your achievements, awards and awards from educational institutions if this experience does not help you do your job.

6. Don't say you're better than someone else at something.

Just because it probably isn't true. You haven't seen other applicants, so you can't say for sure. Whether you are better or worse, the employer will decide by comparing your letters, resumes and interviews.

7. Never try to pity an employer

Not only does it look pathetic, it is also likely to alienate the employer. Remember that for him you are important as an employee in the first place, and he is not particularly concerned about your personal life and problems.

02.05.22 7546
Wow, your blog takes almost half mini book ,I see your energy you spend , I see the time you waste : generally I enjoy your dedication tothis job board , but about 90% of job posted are "$CAM " so try to avoid these crap fake recruiters !!!


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Good morning. We were pleased with this agency, payment only for registration, no commissions for the job.


I found a job abroad. The work is a little heavy, physically, but I think it's just a matter of getting used to it. So far I am satisfied with everything. I can recommend


I just want to express my gratitude and trust to Laybord for helping me find my dream job :)
Mustafa Kamal and 3


I express my gratitude for the help. Thank you very much for the employment as a driver. I have been working for the second month, the conditions are as agreed, the attitude is normal and the cars are in good condition. Thank you for your help.
Renzaho Simeon and 5


I have been abroad more than once, the last time I went to Dubai and I didn't regret it. I arrived, got settled in, a lot of briefings (this can be counted as a minus because you could not immediately get down to the main task - earning money, haha)


An excellent, which tips you given in this article, its marvelous, great, specially about cover letter,
There are lot of new things for make up of our CV and Resume,

Santosh Kumar
Joseph Phiri and 2


i have applied for job and the recruitment agencies want to 200$ for registration. is this scam?


i have apply for job and the first recruitment agencies want to 200 $ for registration firstly
?is this scammers .


Can I get a teacher job in United Arab Emirates


Hi my name is zilleahuma chudry from Pakistan need job I am beaution experience 20 year


Hello l need to migrate and work in Canada. I desire any job for unskilled foreign workers which offers free Visa, airticket and accommodation. Iam a Secretary by profession but lam ready to do any work

Iam a lady aged 50 Zimbabwean currently residing in Gaborone Botswana.
Joseph Phiri and 1


My name is Jabez mwanza from Zambia am a machine operator how can get a job in Ireland


Good stuff ???? greetings all ????


Good stuff ???? greetings all ????


Good stuff, greetings all. Emojis don't work here :)


I am amjad ali need job in Canada having g 18 years experience in marketing


I am amjad ali need job in Canada having g 18 years experience in marketing


That is a great job you done for us. I need job abroad. Am civil engineer


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