How to answer the question "Why should we work with you?".


Daniela Kozak

Working in another country is a good solution for those who want to receive decent remuneration for their work, improve their financial situation, meet new people and gain more experience. However, despite all the advantages of this solution, there are many pitfalls that you have to face when looking for such a job.

Many people are hesitant to apply to an employment agency abroad because they have heard many facts about the scam and deceit in this area. In addition, they are repelled by the complexity of finding this job and the paperwork required for this.

There is a simple solution to all these problems - contact a reliable employment agency abroad. This will allow you not only to avoid fraud but also to easily go through the paperwork and find the most profitable vacancy for yourself.

Today, more and more people are thinking about moving and employment abroad. According to statistics, more than 6 million workers are already working abroad and are very satisfied with their work.

employment abroad

In this article we will tell you why our agency is so in demand, we will consider in detail all the pros and cons of such work.

Why has our agency become so popular among employees? Main reasons:

  • Difficulties in finding a job in your country or the absence of the desired vacancy;

  • The possibility of big profits in a short time.

These are the two main reasons cited by people who leave to work abroad. The first reason is not entirely true. Vacancies and any kind of work are everywhere, another thing is that many people consider it unsuitable, but when they come abroad, most find the same job, only the salary will be an order of magnitude higher.

For example, the work of a picker of vegetables, fruits, maids, waiters, and couriers does not require higher education, high qualifications and extensive experience.

It can be concluded that the main reason for employment abroad is precisely high wages, but we should not forget that in large European countries there is also a problem of unemployment, so finding a good job is not so easy.

All work abroad is divided into two categories: official and unofficial. This work is divided into all groups:

  • Highly qualified personnel (doctors, engineers, managers, managers and others);

  • Handymen (construction workers, waitresses, salespeople, workers in the fields, in the kitchen, and others).

Both groups of vacancies are in demand, only for highly qualified personnel, there will be other requirements, for example, work experience of 5 years or more, perfect knowledge of the country's language, high level of training, and so on.

Low-skilled personnel were in demand for their high working capacity, diligence, and performance of large volumes of work. As far as their experience, everyone chooses a suitable job for himself.

Upon successful employment in our company, you will have the following opportunities:

  •   To study a foreign language;

  •   High salary;

  •   Moving for permanent residence in another country;

  •   Opportunity to make useful contacts;

  •   See the world and expand your horizons;

  •   The possibility of obtaining citizenship. If your career grows, you can easily apply for citizenship.

What are the advantages of working with our agency, and what are its disadvantages, we will consider in this article.

High income

Going to work abroad, you have the opportunity to earn an impressive amount in a short period. In European countries, even unskilled labour is paid much higher than ours. And if you confirm your qualifications and a high level of training, you will be able to apply for a job in your speciality, and therefore for a more solid salary.


Working abroad provides excellent opportunities: you will have useful connections and, perhaps, an interesting career awaits you. You can pre-select an interesting vacancy at the agency or on the website. Not many expect to get a job in their speciality and agree to a simple job with low pay. In this case, there are few chances to build a successful career. However, do not forget that much of our life depends on good circumstances and perseverance.

Expanding horizons

Even though you plan to work abroad and not travel, a trip to another country will give you a lot of vivid impressions. You will make new interesting friends, you will be able to consolidate your knowledge of the language in practice. In addition, in your free time from work, you can look around a little in the new city and take a walk in beautiful places.

Working in Europe as an educational journey

Let's be honest, people who have the opportunity to travel always cause admiration and a little envy. Let's say you work in an office from 9 to 5, 50 weeks a year, while those who choose to move to Europe spend every weekend in a new place. They walk through the forests, travel to the mountains, swim in the sea or just stroll along the Eiffel Field. All this can become a reality. The high concentration of tourist sites and holiday destinations in Europe allows anyone to plan an unforgettable weekend.

New impressions abroad

Life is limited, use the allotted time to experience as many positive emotions as possible. Being born and living in one place has its advantages: it's convenient, you have a protective circle of family and friends, and you know the place inside and out. However, for many, this lifestyle can become routine.

Moving to a new place of residence is like a game of passing. Every day you need to be included in a new life, to learn the rules of life and culture, the features of work and life. Every day prepares a lot of unpredictable surprises. The difficulties of moving to a new place are more than offset by discoveries and opportunities. And the prospects that open up justify the initial efforts.

Working abroad is an easy way to increase your chances of getting a job

For many employers, a candidate's experience of working abroad is a good competitive indicator:

  • easily adaptable worker;

  • boldly takes a calculated risk;

  • has experience in communicating with different people and cultures;

  • speaks a foreign language;

  • has contacts in the city or country that you can use.

Highly paid work abroad

Perhaps you want to teach your native language abroad. At home, working 40 hours a week, you get a meagre salary, countless extra hours, unpaid homework, meeting attendance, and so on.

Compare this to teaching in another country, like Spain, where you can earn around 20 euros an hour and live comfortably for a 20-hour work week and have tons of free time. It just makes sense to go where you will be appreciated, right?

Meeting new people

Moving to another country is without fail the acquisition of new acquaintances with whom you can spend your leisure time, travel, and sometimes start a family.

Getting out of your comfort zone when looking for a job abroad makes you look at your old life in a new way and make your dreams come true.

Building a useful professional network.

An increased circle of friends is not the only social benefit of working abroad. Expanding your professional network is a great way to get out into the professional world and make contacts that you can use in the future or take on a specific position.

Unfortunately, the work does not always go to the one who deserves it. Often it is contacted that play a huge role in employment. Yes, it's not entirely fair, but that's how the world works. Therefore, it is worth making an effort to get the right connections and get a great job.

Perfect command of a foreign language

Learning a second language is both challenging and exciting.

Did you know that learning foreign languages ​​can help you cope with certain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease? Pretty cool, isn't it?

But the benefits don't end there.

Perfect command of a foreign language is:

  • higher salary: skills, experience and languages ​​make you an extremely valuable employee;

  • improving analytical skills;

  • travel comfort;

  • expanding horizons and learning about other cultures.

As you can see, there are a lot of arguments in favour of employment abroad. And everyone can find something of their own, something that will become the starting point for a new journey into the world of professional growth and a decent salary.

Why should we work with you? - how to answer

Below are some of the signs that you can safely count on the job. If you find yourself in these points, then you are an ideal candidate for a job abroad:

Why should we work with you to answer

1. Clear, structured resume

The ideal candidate attracts attention and makes a positive impression even when meeting in absentia. A resume is a source of biographical data and provides information about professional experience, as well as information that may be of interest to a potential employer.

2. Stable work experience

It takes time to adapt, understand business processes, learn lessons, and decide whether to grow internally or move forward.

Be that as it may, a stable term of work in each of the companies removes questions about whether a potential candidate approaches employment in a balanced way, whether he can get along in a team, and whether he was productive in his place. The preferred period is 3-5 years in each company.

3. Relevant work experience

The adaptation process (even with similar experiences) takes time. A rich professional experience in the business of the future employer will reduce the company's training costs and allow you to start implementing tasks as soon as possible. The ideal candidate should have experience similar to the tasks ahead.

4. Achievements in previous jobs

The result of labour activity is the final result, the story of your success in figures or facts. The company is interested in how you can be useful. All the knowledge and skills accumulated in the process of work will be useful if you achieve concrete results with their help. The more successfully implemented projects, the more interesting the candidate.

5. Broad-minded

The ideal candidate knows the main competitors, and colleagues, and is interested in achievements and changes in his field.

He seeks to go beyond his expertise and is actively developing and studying new information not only in his field but also in areas useful for his development and advancement.

6. Commitment

In an era of high competition, there is no time to wait. The ideal candidate values ​​his own time and the time of others. Gets in touch on time, comes to meetings, and in case of unforeseen circumstances, tries to warn about it as early as possible. You can rely on such a person, which, of course, is an additional plus.

7. Once again about the experience - and about the willingness to offer solutions 

We must act here and now. A candidate who knows how to structure the work and who can suggest ways to implement the task in an interview will be appreciated.

8. Measured look

The ideal candidate understands all the nuances of the job. He adequately assesses his qualifications and will not take up a job if he believes that he cannot be effective in it. At the same time, he can recommend colleagues whose skills he considers more suitable. Such a candidate notices and admits his mistakes because he knows that he is learning from them, and makes a decision to move to a new employer based on his previous experience. A professional values ​​his qualifications, his salary expectations are at the level of the labour market, and all his decisions are considered.

9. Proper motivation

Motivation is the factor that motivates an employee to perform well. For a company, an employee must work long and efficiently, so motivation is an important factor. If the candidate and the company look in the same direction, this is the key to a long and fruitful relationship.

10. Positive attitude and initiative

It is humanly pleasant to communicate with a person who is positive and smiles at you. The "aftertaste" from a conversation with such people is pleasing. Other things being equal, the choice, of course, is in favour of just such candidates. If you competently and balanced assess the areas of your development and consistently work on yourself to become even better, then positive changes in your career will not be long in coming. There will be more offers, interesting tasks and, as a result, a growing income.

Why should you be hired for this job?

First, is the high professionalism of HR consultants. As a rule, they have a specialized education (psychology, personnel management), and every day during the whole working day they are engaged in the search, and selection of personnel at the request of their clients, which serves as a source of their income. The main part of the recruiter's earnings is a percentage of the completed transaction. A piece-rate form of remuneration, in contrast to a stable salary, stimulates the manager to both quality and efficiency. With such a system, it is natural that people who are passive, pessimistic and simply not disposed to personnel work are eliminated very quickly. There remain recruiters by vocation, reaching significant heights of professionalism in their field. Consequently, real specialists work for each vacancy, and they are extremely interested in the speedy resolution of a specific personnel problem.

Why should you be hired for this job?

Secondly, the use of the services of professional recruiters can significantly expand the scope of the search for specialists. The entire database of the agency, formed over the years, is placed at the disposal of the customer. Thus, the search for the required employee is carried out not only from the number of currently active applicants but also among employed specialists who do not look at specialized sites and the press but represent an important potential for the customer enterprise.

Thirdly, working with an agency allows the company to significantly reduce organizational costs for the process of searching and selecting personnel. In modern conditions, the manager needs to carefully weigh all the cost items for recruiting personnel before deciding on an independent search for personnel. It often happens that contacting an agency is the most profitable and optimal way to solve a personnel problem that has arisen. Indeed, at first glance, it may seem that an independent search will cost less since the costs are distributed over time and are not as obvious as a one-time payment for agency services.

However, a detailed calculation of the cost of recruiting a new employee often suggests otherwise. The salary of the employee who directly carries out the initial selection of candidates, and, accordingly, taxes on an additional staff unit, renting the area of ​​​​the premises in which interviews are conducted with applicants, telephone lines allocated for the needs of the agency, equipment for the personnel officer’s workplace, consumables and other costs make up the cost of the process. It is also important to note that the above costs are fixed, therefore, the longer they search for applicants, the more expensive they are, while with almost all agencies, financial settlements are made after the order is completed, regardless of the time spent.

27.08.22 1529

deleted account

I agree with all of the above. I think it's important to pay attention to factors such as reviews and detailed information about the work. And then you need to find out more about the company



deleted account

I read the article, it's quite interesting. I think that the truth is written here, since everything is painted in detail. The company fully guarantees the quality. It's worthy!



deleted account

I think this article is worth reading. Employers do ask that. The first time I didn't even know what to answer, confused



deleted account

Interesting article. I think that's how it really is. I always wanted to start working abroad, but I didn't dare. Now I have read everything and decided that I will definitely try. At least I already know how to answer tricky questions



deleted account

For a long time, I was dissatisfied with my job and the level of salary, but now I have definitely decided to change everything in my life. This article inspired me.


can i get a job here any time i'm ready i just need a visa


I read the article,i agree with all above ,i need a job i have good experience for truck driving in saudi arabia 8 am ready just i need a visa.


Its a very clear article and inspiring. I have been trying to get a job abroad especially countries like Canada because I am interested in working in the country sides but i need a Canadian visa. I need to work with you definitely!!


Iam intresting to work with you


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