AradBranding holding company Direct employer reviews

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: JalalRezaei

India, chennai, G1, #4/608 V.O.C Street, Perungudi, OMR, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 600041, India

+44-77-0030-7539, +44-77-0030-7539

About company:

Views 540
Jobs 5
Subscribers 12
Reviews 0
AradBranding holding company
(Reviews: 0)

India, chennai, G1, #4/608 V.O.C Street, Perungudi, OMR, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 600041, India


Our goal is to cooperate with 110,000 people including 100,000 employees, and 10,000 businessmen. Exportation saves our country from joblessness and poverty. Reaching our goal of 10,000 businesspeople will create millions of jobs and solve many problems in the country. Today, with more than five hundred specialists, we aim to have offices in all important cities of Iran as well as the world to develop economic activities.

☎: +44-77-0030-7539 ✉: [email protected]