Davidrecruitment.com vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: Davidrecruitment.com

England, London, R19 4RE

+44-75-3710-6363, +44-75-3710-6363

About company:

Views 155
Jobs 2
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
(Reviews: 0)

England, London, R19 4RE


  • Work in England for abroad citizens

    Warehouse - Logistics - Customs
    Agency Davidrecruitment.com

    2800 £

    England (London)

    Good afternoon , I have an opening for a piker for a warehouse in London. The work is suitable for those who are willing to work and has patience, qualities such as diligence and attentiveness are also needed. Work is not dusty and does not require physical exertion, the temperature in the room at...
    Agency  Davidrecruitment.com


    Without experience
    With accommodation
    Seasonal job
    No English required jobs
    With visa sponsorship
    For all
  • Invitation to the work in England

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Davidrecruitment.com

    3000+ £

    England (London)

    Warm summer season begins, which means that the farms also begin recruiting staff to work on the land and farm maintenance. who might be interested in the job? Yes, literally everyone who is ready to try something new, I offer you a list of available positions, please read and contact in messenger l...
    Agency  Davidrecruitment.com


    Without experience
    With accommodation
    Seasonal job
    No English required jobs
    With visa sponsorship
    For all