KFC Restaurant Company vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: KFC Restaurant company

USA, New York , Welcome to KFC Employment Board. Restaurant Address: 382 Highway 15 North, Jackson, KY 41339, United States

+1(725)222-9821, +1(725)222-9821

About company:

Views 918
Jobs 4
Subscribers 1
Reviews 2
KFC Restaurant Company
(Reviews: 2)

USA, New York , Welcome to KFC Employment Board. Restaurant Address: 382 Highway 15 North, Jackson, KY 41339, United States


  • Restaurant vacancy

    No experience - Students - Other
    Agency KFC Restaurant Company

    1500 $

    Saudi Arabia

    Requirements: Where to work? Conditions:
    Agency  KFC Restaurant Company
    KFC Restaurant Company


  • Cashiers

    Stores - Purchases - Procurement
    Agency KFC Restaurant Company

    1000 $


    Requirements: Where to work? Conditions:
    Agency  KFC Restaurant Company
    KFC Restaurant Company


  • 1000 $

    USA (New-York)

    KFC Corporation, based in Louisville, Kentucky, is one of the few brands in America that can boast a rich, 2513 Preston Hwy, Louisville, KY 40217, United States decades-long history of success and innovation. It all started with one cook who created a soon-to-be world-famous recipe more than 7...
    Agency  KFC Restaurant Company
    KFC Restaurant Company


  • Restaurant job vacancy

    Restaurants - Cafes - Hotels
    Agency KFC Restaurant Company

    1,000 $


    Kindly go through the company website for more details about the company and some little evidence to give you a better assurance about the job then you text me back when you are done https://kfccareers.wixsite.com/website-1
    Agency  KFC Restaurant Company
    KFC Restaurant Company
