Rahmah Shelter reviews and vacancies

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: basma9

About company:

Views 237
Jobs 1
Subscribers 2
Reviews 2
Rahmah Shelter
(Reviews: 2)




Rahmah Animal Welfare Association, a Voluntary nonprofitable Saudi Association. Founded based on association and institutions systems issued by Royal Decree number (m/8) and date 19/02/1437 hejry and the headquarter is in Riyadh and the scope of it work in Riyadh region. In accordance with Ministerial Resolution number (147492) and date 15/09/1441 hejry and Record number(1908)


[email protected]

Rahmah Shelter reviews and vacancies

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: basma9

About company:

Views 237
Jobs 1
Subscribers 2
Reviews 2

Rahmah Animal Welfare Association, a Voluntary nonprofitable Saudi Association. Founded based on association and institutions systems issued by Royal Decree number (m/8) and date 19/02/1437 hejry and the headquarter is in Riyadh and the scope of it work in Riyadh region. In accordance with Ministerial Resolution number (147492) and date 15/09/1441 hejry and Record number(1908)


[email protected]

☎: ✉: [email protected]