WorkHunters 2 reviews and vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: Maryna WorkHunters

Ukraine, Sumy, Dubrovskoho 51

+380(96)600-23-54, +380(96)600-23-54

About company:

Views 1811
Jobs 25
Subscribers 181
Reviews 8
WorkHunters 2
(Reviews: 8)

Ukraine, Sumy, Dubrovskoho 51



We are an international labor agency. We are engaged in employment of men, women and married couples. We have vacancies for specialists and for people without work experience and knowledge of the language. We provide work at the largest enterprises in Poland

WorkHunters 2 reviews and vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: Maryna WorkHunters

Ukraine, Sumy, Dubrovskoho 51

+380(96)600-23-54, +380(96)600-23-54

About company:

Views 1811
Jobs 25
Subscribers 181
Reviews 8

We are an international labor agency. We are engaged in employment of men, women and married couples. We have vacancies for specialists and for people without work experience and knowledge of the language. We provide work at the largest enterprises in Poland

☎: +380(96)600-23-54 ✉: [email protected]