Office assistant Jobs Abroad

  • 1400 $

    Qatar (Lusail)

    Are looking for employee to work!! Specialist in the field Office assistant, timely salary payment. a plus would be a person without bad habbits. work there will be a lot,Availability of paid processing on request! Accruals salary from 3 to 10 day of the month. Conditions:- free vacancy! - awards f...
    Agency  Avanta Works
    Avanta Works



What is the average salary of a Office assistant?

The average Office assistant salary is 1450$ per month. Entry-level placements begin at 1000$ per month, while many skilled employees make up to 2200$ each month.

How many jobs for Office assistant on

Considering a Office assistant occupation? has 22 job posts for Office assistant. Find out more about popular Office assistant work like:
  • Free vacancy. Office assistant

What professions are in high demand in IT sphere?

One of the most sought-after careers in the category: IT sphere
  • Business manager
  • CEO
  • Business office manager