Pastry Chef Jobs Abroad

  • 1100 $

    UAE (Dubai)

    In UAE need an employee!! Specialist in the field Pastry Chef, salary: 1100$. needed responsible person. provide the necessary amount of work,Payouts salary from 3 to 8 day of the month. The work is not difficult. About the vacancy:- consider with visa and without - working day - 8-10 hours - free ...
    Agency  Avanta Works
    Avanta Works


  • 1200 $

    UAE (Dubai)

    In city Dubai need a reliable worker!! For the position Pastry Chef, decent salary, priority hard worker ready to work, provide the necessary amount of work, Accruals salary from 2 to 6 day of the month. Work in comfortable conditions.Details:- help with moving - job is free - help with accommodati...
    Agency  Avanta Works
    Avanta Works
