Aradbanding Direct employer reviews

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: Alireza Shabani

India, Chennai, G1, #4/608 V.O.C Street, Perungudi, OMR, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 600041, India, theran

+989112401577, +989304185700

: +447700307161

About company:

Views 559
Jobs 1
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
(Reviews: 0)

India, Chennai, G1, #4/608 V.O.C Street, Perungudi, OMR, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 600041, India, theran


Arad Branding is a B2B Export Company covering more than 4000 types of products. We have more than 11000 traders working with us around the world and we are expanding even more. We are adding representatives to the company to carry on our business related activities in their cities and countries. Besides that, what we do is giving our representatives the opportunity to start their own business as well. As you know the business is the most paying job in the world, and most of the rich people are business owners. We will teach you 0 to 100 of the international business so you become a professional business agent. Now, for the first year you will reach the minimum of 5000 USD to 7000 USD per month. With us you will negotiate and make deals in the easiest, most sufficient, way with incoming of at least 20,000 USD per month.

☎: +989112401577 ✉: [email protected]