Babysitter/Nanny reviews and vacancies

Company type: Private person

The contact person: John Dan

India, new york, new york, united state

+1 910 447 2801, +1 910 447 2801

PAN: +16466124295

About company:

Views 278
Jobs 1
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
(Reviews: 0)

India, new york, new york, united state



A lovely Family based in LA is seeking a Full-time Nanny/Mother's help to join a private UHNW household, working in a team.

Work in USA with free visa and Accomadtion

Contact the family via Telegram to apply

Telegram number:+1 910 447 2801

cover: 312

The family has three children. All are vibrant and very active with extra curricular activities

A lovely Family based in LA is seeking a Full-time Nanny/Mother's help to join a private UHNW household, working in a team.

The family has three children. All are vibrant and very active with extra curricular activities
Ribay20 more 2




Babysitter/Nanny reviews and vacancies

Company type: Private person

The contact person: John Dan

India, new york, new york, united state

+1 910 447 2801, +1 910 447 2801

PAN: +16466124295

About company:

Views 278
Jobs 1
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0

A lovely Family based in LA is seeking a Full-time Nanny/Mother's help to join a private UHNW household, working in a team.

Work in USA with free visa and Accomadtion

Contact the family via Telegram to apply

Telegram number:+1 910 447 2801

☎: +1 910 447 2801 ✉: [email protected]