Call2Sale vacancies

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: Iwona

Poland, Warsaw, Warsaw

+48883 514 521,

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Views 258
Jobs 2
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0

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Poland, Warsaw, Warsaw


  • 1500 €

    Croatia (Zagreb)

    Smo ekipa strokovnjakov za telefonsko prodajo, ki delujejo pod vodstvom strokovnjakov z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami na tem področju. Praksa, vsebinsko znanje in nenehno izpopolnjevanje prodajnih tehnik so naš ključ do uspeha! Oskrbujemo 12 evropskih trgov in smo močna organizacija z uvelj...
    Agency  Call2Sale

    Direct employer

    Without experience
    Without accommodation
    Full time job
    No English required jobs
    For all
  • Sales Specialist Slovenian and Croatian market

    No experience - Students - Other
    Agency Call2Sale

    1500 €

    Croatia (Zagreb)

    DESCRIPTION We are a team of telephone sales specialists working under the supervision of experts with many years of experience in this field. Practice, substantive knowledge and constant improvement of sales techniques are our key to success! We serve 12 European markets and are a strong orga...
    Agency  Call2Sale

    Direct employer

    Without experience
    English speaking jobs
    For all
    Remote job