Canadiansolar Company in Canada Vacancy reviews and vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: Canadiansolar Company Vacancy Canada


+14049396588, +14049396588

About company:

Views 223
Jobs 0
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
Canadiansolar Company in Canada Vacancy
(Reviews: 0)




*Discipline and rules of the company are......*


*The company is totally against the act of drinking of alcohol in the company or housing premises, because that might cause a lot of damage around the company so it's totally prohibited...*


*Another rules is that all candidates must comply to the company instructions during work, failure to comply with this might leads to salary deduction...*


*All applicants must always resume to work very early to make sure attendant is signed, any failure to follow this might lead problem...*


*child abuse or neglect are totally prohibited to avoid issue with the company...*


*No use of ...

Canadiansolar Company in Canada Vacancy reviews and vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: Canadiansolar Company Vacancy Canada


+14049396588, +14049396588

About company:

Views 223
Jobs 0
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0

*Discipline and rules of the company are......*


*The company is totally against the act of drinking of alcohol in the company or housing premises, because that might cause a lot of damage around the company so it's totally prohibited...*


*Another rules is that all candidates must comply to the company instructions during work, failure to comply with this might leads to salary deduction...*


*All applicants must always resume to work very early to make sure attendant is signed, any failure to follow this might lead problem...*


*child abuse or neglect are totally prohibited to avoid issue with the company...*


*No use of cameras in the company premises, they are only allowed to be used at home...*


*All applicants must come to work with the company uniform with tie to make us look different and decent...*

☎: +14049396588 ✉: [email protected]