Coco cola Direct employer reviews

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: Kidus moges

Other countries, Addis Ababa , Addis Ababa

+251985343774, +251912023078

http://[email protected]

: 0985343774

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Coco cola
(Reviews: 0)

Other countries, Addis Ababa , Addis Ababa


                                          Date: September 20,2024 

                                          From:kidus moges

                                           Tel +251985343774

To : conffice 

Dear sir / madam

                  I am writing this application letter in response to your announcement for the vacant palace in your organization on full time basis. I have held marketing management in level 4 Coc . I respectfully submit this letter of application and strongly believe that this position best and makes me welt qualified to meet the need of your company. 

         I believe that my academically training and my working experience of other company perpared me to be effective on tackling my challenge I will be facing I would enjoy discussions this position with you in any time I am enclosing my curriculum vitae and statement of working and I look forward to have positive consideration.

☎: +251985343774 ✉: [email protected]