Husky Technologies Agency reviews

Company type: Agency

The contact person: collins_crook

Canada, Ontario , 500 Queen street south, Bolton, ON, CANADA

+1(305)518-2393, +1(305)518-2393


About company:

Views 312
Jobs 3
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
Husky Technologies
(Reviews: 0)

Canada, Ontario , 500 Queen street south, Bolton, ON, CANADA


As the largest brand-name supplier of injection molding equipment and services to the plastics industry, we are engineers, designers, innovators, material and software specialists, and problem solvers. Team Husky comprises more than 4,300 dedicated people worldwide, focused on building success and profitability for our customers, who operate in over 140 countries.

☎: +1(305)518-2393 ✉: [email protected]