Lighting Factory vacancies

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: CareerJobs

Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, P.O.Box: 27868 Postal Code: 11427


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Views 466
Jobs 1
Subscribers 2
Reviews 0
Lighting Factory
(Reviews: 0)

Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, P.O.Box: 27868 Postal Code: 11427


  • Electrical Technical support engineer

    Restaurants - Cafes - Hotels
    Agency Lighting Factory

    2500 SAR

    Saudi Arabia (Riyadh)

    We are a lighting factory in Saudi Arabia. We are seeking to Electrical Technical support engineer to be part of our team with the following requirements. This Position exists to perform sales support of products, services and provide technical support efficiently, in a timely manner, and qu...
    Agency  Lighting Factory
    Lighting Factory

    Direct employer