SKAILA Uab reviews and vacancies

Company type: Private person

The contact person: Oksana

Lithuania, Klaipeda, Naujojo Sodo g. 1 (2 aukštas), Klaipėda, LT-92118, Lietuva

+37068332655, +37068332655

VAT: LT100009727614

About company:

Views 74
Jobs 0
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
(Reviews: 0)

Lithuania, Klaipeda, Naujojo Sodo g. 1 (2 aukštas), Klaipėda, LT-92118, Lietuva



About us -

Skaila UAB was founded in 2015 by persons with professional knowledge and work experience in the field of ship repair, shipbuilding. And today they are the core of the company’s management.

Consulting and helping our close partners in their work for many years, we decided to create a company that will optimize the management processes of a growing number of metal projects, to build a more effective system for finding and selecting qualified workers, and continue to develop the activities of both our companies.

Currently, Skaila UAB, in cooperation with partners, is dynamically developing, managing a staff of more than 200 employees, and implementing ...

SKAILA Uab reviews and vacancies

Company type: Private person

The contact person: Oksana

Lithuania, Klaipeda, Naujojo Sodo g. 1 (2 aukštas), Klaipėda, LT-92118, Lietuva

+37068332655, +37068332655

VAT: LT100009727614

About company:

Views 74
Jobs 0
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0

About us -

Skaila UAB was founded in 2015 by persons with professional knowledge and work experience in the field of ship repair, shipbuilding. And today they are the core of the company’s management.

Consulting and helping our close partners in their work for many years, we decided to create a company that will optimize the management processes of a growing number of metal projects, to build a more effective system for finding and selecting qualified workers, and continue to develop the activities of both our companies.

Currently, Skaila UAB, in cooperation with partners, is dynamically developing, managing a staff of more than 200 employees, and implementing various projects in more than 10 countries around the world.

We provide highly qualified welding, fitting, and assembly services in the field of shipbuilding, ship repair, manufacturing, and assembly of metal structures, pipes, tanks, equipment, etc.

The main office of the Skaila UAB is located in the port city of Klaipeda, Lithuania. Besides, the company is registered in Norway, Finland, and has partners – consultants in Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands.

Skaila UAB is an active member of the Lithuanian Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Association, an associated member of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists.

We are also proud to have the opportunity to pay special attention to sponsorship and charitable activities.

The main priorities in the work of the company are its reputation, quality of services, the safety of workers, and a continuous process of improving the qualifications of employees.

Skaila UAB provides highly qualified welding, fitting, and assembly services in the field of shipbuilding, ship repair, manufacturing, and assembly of metal structures, pipes, tanks, equipment, etc.

At the request of the customer, we can provide any of our workers individually, or by technological units (welder + fitters), or whole teams with a foreman/supervisor for the organization and control of works.

Our foremen, team leaders, project managers can organize and control the work of our people at the customer’s work sites, as well as advise and supervise the implementation of various customer projects.

Welding works are carried out with both ferrous metals and aluminium. Welders have the appropriate international certificates confirming their qualifications.

All our staff has the necessary certificates, documents, and permits that give them the full right to work in the customer’s country legally and safely.

☎: +37068332655 ✉: [email protected]