Chief Financial Officer Jobs in Brazil

  • Direct employment

    Banks - Finance - Accounting
    Agency Canada job opportunity

    3000+ $

    Brazil (São-Paulo)

    Work overseas NOTE experienced applicants only and all applicants must have a valid international passport
    Agency  Canada job opportunity
    Canada job opportunity

    Direct employer

    Experience required
    With accommodation
    Seasonal job
    English speaking jobs
    Biometric passport
    For all


How much do Chief Financial Officer earn in Brazil?

The average Chief Financial Officer salary in Brazil is 1500$ per month. Entry-level positions begin at 1000$ monthly, while the majority of skilled workers make up to 2000$ per month.

What is the best Chief Financial Officer jobs in Brazil

The most prominent types of jobs for Chief Financial Officer in Brazil:
  • Direct employment

Can I obtain a Chief Financial Officer job in Brazil without language skills or experience?

Yes. Lots of business are open to hiring employees with minimal knowledge of the language. Of course, business choose skilled workers. But some firms in Brazil hire Chief Financial Officer without any experience.