FotoEventi Group vacancies

Company type: Private person

The contact person: (+34) 928 110 344

Spain, Lanzarote, España, Calle de la Peña 10, 35580 Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, España

(+34) 928 110 344,

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Jobs 1
Subscribers 1
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FotoEventi Group
(Reviews: 0)

Spain, Lanzarote, España, Calle de la Peña 10, 35580 Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, España


  • Touristic Photographer

    Design - Graphics - Photo
    Agency FotoEventi Group
    FotoEventi Group, a leading company in continuous expansion in the tourist photography market, is looking for candidates who want to work in hotels in Europe's most famous coast destinations! We are looking for candidates for the most beautiful job in the world! The only one that allows you t...
    Agency  FotoEventi Group
    FotoEventi Group

    Private person

    Experience required
    With accommodation
    Full time job
    English speaking jobs
    For all