Lemonade restaurant vacancies

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: Restaurant LC

USA, Los Angeles, Lemonade Restaurant 505 S Flower St Los Angles CA 90071 USA

+1(313)429-0296, +1(313)429-0296


About company:

Views 237
Jobs 2
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
Lemonade restaurant
(Reviews: 0)

USA, Los Angeles, Lemonade Restaurant 505 S Flower St Los Angles CA 90071 USA


  • Cleaner

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Lemonade restaurant

    340 $

    India (Ahmedabad)

    We are currently looking for a few goals and application to join the restaurant If interested please message me +1(313) 429-0296 via WhatsApp number
    Agency  Lemonade restaurant
    Lemonade restaurant

    Direct employer

  • Chef

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Lemonade restaurant

    450 $

    Kuwait (Al-Kuwait)

    Restaurant LC COMPANY SEEK FOR APPLICATION ALL-OVER WORLDWIDE!!! APPLY With your whatsapp +1 (313) 429-0296 We look forward to work with goal getter
    Agency  Lemonade restaurant
    Lemonade restaurant

    Direct employer
