Robertocollinsfamily vacancies

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: robertocollinsfamily

USA, Miami, thomas ave

+1(806)828-0025, +1(806)828-0025

About company:

Views 218
Jobs 1
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
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USA, Miami, thomas ave


  • 3000+ $

    USA (Miami)

    We are a Spanish Family and a Professional couple With 2kids kids Pedro and Lucrecia ..I work as an importer and exporter while my wife is a Banker,we have being living here in US for the past 25years but we just moved to our new house 2 months ago..we are looking for the following different kind o...
    Agency  Robertocollinsfamily

    Direct employer

    Experience required
    With accommodation
    Full time job
    No English required jobs
    Biometric passport
    For all