Electrician Jobs in Gold-Coast

  • Electrician

    Construction - Renovation - Architecture
    Agency Abroad Work

    $1000+ $

    Australia (Gold-Coast)

    To build rapport with we are looking for Electrician in Australia in Gold-Coast for a high salary $1000+ salary is paid once or twice a month , we urgently required person that has an attention to detail candidate fluent English work experience up to 1 year. Facility: contract accommodation and ...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  1. What are the requirements to become an electrician in Gold-Coast?

    In order to become an electrician in Gold-Coast, you must hold a minimum of an A person license as per Department of Justice guidelines. This can be obtained through an accredited electrical trade school or apprenticeship program.
  2. Does Gold-Coast recognize foreign qualifications?

    Gold-Coast does recognize some foreign qualifications. You need to complete the qualifications recognition process. All qualifications must be in line with local industry standards and will be assessed by the Department of Justice.
  3. What are the working hours for electricians in Gold-Coast?

    Working hours can vary and are usually determined by the employer. Generally speaking, most electricians in Gold-Coast tend to work between 8.00 AM and 4.30 PM during the week with occasional evening and weekend hours.
  4. Do I need a work permit or visa to work as an electrician in Gold-Coast?

    Yes, you will need to obtain a visa or working holiday maker visa. This can be arranged through the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs.
  5. Are there any additional requirements to work as an electrician in Gold-Coast?

    Yes, in addition to the requirements outlined above, you may need to complete a police check and obtain additional licenses such as a White Card if the work is to performed on a construction site.