Computer Research Scientist Jobs in Thailand

  • TBD $


    Requirements: You are a native speaker of Thai and are currently based in Thailand Alternatively, you are a fluent speaker who has been living in Thailand for at least 5 years. The online queries can be very local and related to culture, slang and lingo of the country. Therefore, be...
    Agency  Pactera EDGE
    Pactera EDGE



How much do Computer Research Scientist earn in Thailand?

The average Computer Research Scientist salary in Thailand is 1500$ per month. Entry-level settings start at 1000$ each month, while the majority of skilled workers make up to 2000$ per month.

What is the best Computer Research Scientist jobs in Thailand

One of the most prominent kinds of jobs for Computer Research Scientist in Thailand:
  • Search Engine Evaluation

Can I obtain a Computer Research Scientist job in Thailand without language skills or experience?

Yes. Many companies are open to hiring workers with minimal knowledge of the language. Naturally, firms choose skilled workers. However some firms in Thailand hire Computer Research Scientist without experience.