Fairmont Hotel USA vacancies

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: fairmontolympichotel

USA, Washington , 411 university street Seattle

+1(909)235-6981, +1(909)235-6981


About company:

Views 199
Jobs 3
Subscribers 2
Reviews 0

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Fairmont Hotel USA
(Reviews: 0)

USA, Washington , 411 university street Seattle


  • Hotel Recruitment

    Restaurants - Cafes - Hotels
    Agency Fairmont Hotel USA

    3000+ $

    USA (Washington)

    Apply link serious Applicants only https://wa.me/message/SK4LGTMK6CKQI1
    Agency  Fairmont Hotel USA
    Fairmont Hotel USA

    Direct employer

    Without experience
    With accommodation
    Contract job
    English speaking jobs
    For all
    With free visa and ticket
  • Hotel Job

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Fairmont Hotel USA

    3000+ $

    USA (Washington)

    Apply link for serious Applicants https://wa.me/message/SK4LGTMK6CKQI1
    Agency  Fairmont Hotel USA
    Fairmont Hotel USA

    Direct employer

    Experience required
    With accommodation
    Contract job
    English speaking jobs
    Biometric passport
    For all
  • Hotel recruitment

    Transport - Service - Machines
    Agency Fairmont Hotel USA

    3000+ $

    USA (Washington)

    Serious applicants only Apply link https://wa.me/message/SK4LGTMK6CKQI1
    Agency  Fairmont Hotel USA
    Fairmont Hotel USA

    Direct employer

    Experience required
    With accommodation
    Contract job
    English speaking jobs
    With visa sponsorship
    For all