Electrician Jobs in Leicester

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  • Electrician

    Construction - Renovation - Architecture
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Leicester)

    To assist we are urgently hiring for Electrician in England in Leicester for a decent salary $2400 - 2600, salary is paid every two weeks; looking for physically fit to handle the duties specialist, knows basic English, 5 - 7 years working experience. Facility: contract, accommodation and transporta...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Electrician

    Construction - Renovation - Architecture
    Agency Abroad Work

    2800 $ per month $

    England (Leicester)

    To manage we need Electrician in Great Britain in Leicester for a high salary 2800 $ per month, salary is paid every two weeks; we are urgently hiring for person that has an attention to detail worker, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, work experience up to 1 year. Condition...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Electrician

    Construction - Renovation - Architecture
    Agency Abroad Work

    2000$ $

    England (Leicester)

    For manpower pooling we are urgently hiring for Electrician in Great Britain in Leicester for the agreed salary 2000$, salary is paid by contract; we urgently needed skilled specialist, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, 1+ years experience. Facility: contract, accommodation,...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Electrician

    Construction - Renovation - Architecture
    Agency Abroad Work

    3000+ $

    England (Leicester)

    For a seasonal work we need Electrician in England in Leicester for the agreed salary start from 1600 to 1900 $, salary is paid every two weeks; we urgently needed a punctual handyman, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, 2 to 5 years’ experience in. Opportunities: able to work...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Electrician

    Construction - Renovation - Architecture
    Agency Abroad Work

    3000+ $

    England (Leicester)

    To ensure stock rotation we are urgently hiring for Electrician in Great Britain in Leicester for a good salary start from 1600 to 1900 $, salary is paid every two weeks; we are urgently hiring for a decent worker, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, 5 - 7 years working experi...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


What are the qualifications required to work as an electrician in Leicester?

To work as an electrician in Leicester, you must have a recognised electrical qualification, such as a diploma or NVQ, approved by a professional body such as the Institute of Engineering and Technology.

What type of electrician qualifications are accepted in Leicester?

The accepted qualifications in Leicester are diplomas, NVQs and Apprenticeship certifications approved by the Institute of Engineering and Technology, City and Guilds and the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC).

Do I need to be registered with a professional body to work as an electrician in Leicester?

Yes, you must be registered with a professional body such as the Institute of Engineering and Technology, City and Guilds or the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) in order to work as an electrician in Leicester.

Are there any additional requirements for foreigners working as electricians in Leicester?

The main requirement for foreigners is that they must have the permission to work in the UK. Additionally, you must be at least 18 years old and have the relevant certification to practice as an electrician in Leicester.

Where can I find information about available positions as electricians in Leicester?

You can find positions as electricians in Leicester on job sites, including local newspapers and websites, such as Indeed, Total Jobs, Monster and Reed. Additionally, you can contact local recruitment agencies to find out about any available positions.