Office assistant Jobs in Birmingham

Popular cities in England:

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  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650 GBP $

    England (Birmingham)

    To negotiate looking for Office Boy in England in Birmingham on salary 1400 - 1650 GBP, salary is paid by contract; we urgently required a decent worker, knows basic English, with work experience. Conditions: hiring in maximum of 2 weeks, shared accomodation in fully equipped townhouse, transportati...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Birmingham)

    To manage we are urgently hiring for Office Boy in England in Birmingham on competitive wages $2400 - 2600, salary is paid every two weeks; we are urgently hiring for skilled worker, fluent English, 1+ years experience. Status: 12 hours duty, accommodation, transportation to and from work, meals at ...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650 GBP $

    England (Birmingham)

    For work we urgently required Office Boy in England in Birmingham on salary 1400 - 1650 GBP, salary is paid by contract; we urgently needed a decent handyman, fluent English, 2 to 5 years’ experience in. Status: 12 hours duty, accommodation, transportation to and from work, meals at the hotel, frien...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    3000+ $

    England (Birmingham)

    To perform we are urgently hiring for Office Boy in Great Britain in Birmingham on salary start from 1600 to 1900 $, salary is paid by contract; looking for energetic and hard working specialist, knows basic English, 2 to 5 years’ experience in. Status: able to work weekends or holidays if required,...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Office Boy

    Top Management - Directors
    Agency Abroad Work

    3000+ $

    England (Birmingham)

    To negotiate we need Office Boy in England in Birmingham for a high salary start from 1600 to 1900 $, salary is paid by contract; we urgently needed person that has an attention to detail candidate, basic English, 2 to 5 years’ experience in. Opportunities: part time, sharing accommodation, transpor...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


What requirements must I meet to work as an office assistant in Birmingham?

You must be at least 16 years old, hold a valid UK visa, and have the necessary qualifications.

Are there any language tests required for an office assistant position in Birmingham?

Yes, you will need to provide proof of proficiency in business English, such as Cambridge English certificates or an ExpertRating Business English Test certificate.

Do I need a background check to work as an office assistant in Birmingham?

Yes, you must have a clean criminal record and be of good character in order to be considered for a post.

What type of roles do office assistants typically fill?

Office assistants typically provide clerical and administrative support in an office environment, such as filing, typing, photocopying, and data entry.

Are there any specific benefits or perks associated with office assistant positions in Birmingham?

Yes, many office assistant positions offer attractive benefits, such as health insurance, free meals, and discounts at local businesses.