Facility Helper Jobs in Coventry

Popular cities in England:

London York Manchester Liverpool Bristol 🔥 Remote job
  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Coventry)

    To manage we are urgently hiring for Helper in England in Coventry for a decent salary $2400 - 2600, salary is paid by contract; we need honest worker, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, with work experience. Opportunities: part time, accommodation, transportation to and from...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    2800 $ per month $

    England (Coventry)

    To perform we urgently required Helper in England in Coventry on salary 2800 $ per month, salary is paid every two weeks; we are urgently hiring for a responsible employee, knows basic English, 5 - 7 years working experience. Conditions: hiring in maximum of 2 weeks, accommodation, transportation fr...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    2000 pounds $

    England (Coventry)

    For a seasonal work we are urgently hiring for Helper in England in Coventry for the agreed salary 2000 pounds, salary is paid every two weeks; we need a decent worker, basic English, work experience up to 1 year. Facility: 12 hours duty, sharing accommodation, transportation to work, duty meal, fri...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Coventry)

    To build rapport with we urgently needed Helper in Great Britain in Coventry on competitive wages $2400 - 2600, salary is paid once or twice a month; we urgently required skilled specialist, fluent English, with work experience. Facility: full time, sharing accommodation, transportation from work, ...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    2800 $ per month $

    England (Coventry)

    To resolve problems looking for Helper in Great Britain in Coventry for a good salary 2800 $ per month, salary is paid once or twice a month; we urgently needed person that has an attention to detail worker, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, work experience up to 1 year. Con...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


What is a Facility Helper work?

Facility Helper work is a type of job that involves carrying out a variety of duties in a facility, such as sanitizing and cleaning, stocking supplies, and managing waste and recycling.

Is Facility Helper work available in Coventry for foreigners?

Yes, Facility Helper work is available in Coventry for foreigners. You can either work on a full-time or part-time basis.

What qualifications do I need to become a Facility Helper?

You do not need any specific qualifications to become a Facility Helper. However, you need to be physically fit and able to carry out the necessary duties.

What is the average salary of a Facility Helper in Coventry?

The average salary of a Facility Helper in Coventry is £14.25 per hour.

What is the typical work schedule of a Facility Helper?

The typical work schedule of a Facility Helper is Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.