Electrical Engineer Jobs in Toronto

  • Vacancy available

    Engineer - Technologist
    Agency Bottling Company

    3000+ $

    Canada (Toronto)

    Workers Needed Urgently Kindly message now and drop your documents message direct on WhatsApp +1(250)663-8836
    Agency  Bottling Company
    Bottling Company

    Direct employer

    Experience required
    With accommodation
    Full time job
    English speaking jobs
    Biometric passport
    For all

What qualifications do I need to be an electrical engineer in Toronto?

To be an electrical engineer in Toronto, you must possess a bachelor’s degree or higher in electrical engineering, as well as any other applicable professional licenses and certifications.

Is special permission required to work as an electrical engineer in Toronto as a foreigner?

In order to work as an electrical engineer in Toronto as a foreigner, you must first obtain the necessary work permits and visas.

Are there any special requirements for electrical engineer jobs in Toronto?

When seeking electrical engineer jobs in Toronto, you must have a valid license or certificate in the province, as well as any workplace safety certifications that may be required.

What is the average salary for an electrical engineer in Toronto?

The average salary for an electrical engineer in Toronto ranges between $60,000 - $90,000 per year, depending on experience and qualifications.

Are there any special resources available to help me find electrical engineering jobs in Toronto?

Yes, there are many online resources available to help you find electrical engineering jobs in Toronto, such as job search websites, recruitment agencies, and local job boards.