Jobs Without accommodation in Croatia

Popular cities in Croatia:

Zagreb Osijek Pula Split Dubrovnik 🔥 Remote job
  • Croatia,Zagreb Courier

    Drivers - Truckers - Couriers
    Agency Migrant Help

    1000 €

    Croatia (Zagreb)

    FOOD DELIVERY COURIER City: Zagreb. We invite you to Work: Men. Salary: 900-1000 euros. Work schedule: - from 06: 00 to 16: 00; - 5 days a week. Responsibilities: - accepting and executing orders: * checking the order for correctness before departure; * packaging...
    Agency  Migrant Help
    Migrant Help


    Without experience
    Without accommodation
    English speaking jobs
    Suitable for men
    Own visa jobs
  • 1500 €

    Croatia (Zagreb)

    Smo ekipa strokovnjakov za telefonsko prodajo, ki delujejo pod vodstvom strokovnjakov z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami na tem področju. Praksa, vsebinsko znanje in nenehno izpopolnjevanje prodajnih tehnik so naš ključ do uspeha! Oskrbujemo 12 evropskih trgov in smo močna organizacija z uvelj...
    Agency  Call2Sale

    Direct employer

    Without experience
    Without accommodation
    Full time job
    No English required jobs
    For all
  • Business agency for any product

    Marketing - Advertising - PR
    Agency Aradbranding international

    3000+ $

    Croatia (Zagreb)

    Hello dears We are international Aradbranding company that works in the field of export of all types of products to customers from all over the world. All the people who have some ability to talk and negotiate with buyers and businessmen in your city for any products that are most demanded in...
    Agency  Aradbranding international
    Aradbranding international


    Without experience
    Without accommodation
    Contract job
    No English required jobs
    For all