Facility Helper Jobs in Sheffield

Popular cities in England:

London York Manchester Liverpool Bristol 🔥 Remote job
  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    2000$ $

    England (Sheffield)

    To assist we urgently needed Helper in England in Sheffield for a good salary 2000$, salary is paid once or twice a month; we are looking for energetic and hard working worker, basic English, work experience up to 1 year. Conditions: full time, sharing accommodation, transportation to and from work,...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Sheffield)

    To assist we urgently needed Helper in England in Sheffield for a decent salary $2400 - 2600, salary is paid by contract; we urgently needed a decent employee, basic English, no work experience. Status: full time, accommodation, transportation from work, duty meal, medical insurance
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    $2400 - 2600 $

    England (Sheffield)

    To manage we are looking for Helper in England in Sheffield on salary $2400 - 2600, salary is paid at the end of each week; we urgently required a responsible handyman, fluent English, work experience up to 1 year. Opportunities: contract, accommodation, transportation to work, meals at the hotel, m...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    2800 $ per month $

    England (Sheffield)

    To build rapport with we need Helper in Great Britain in Sheffield for a high salary 2800 $ per month, salary is paid at the end of each week; we are looking for skilled employee, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, 2 to 5 years’ experience in. Status: contract, accommodation...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    3000+ $

    England (Sheffield)

    To manage looking for Helper in Great Britain in Sheffield on competitive wages start from 1600 to 1900 $, salary is paid once or twice a month; we urgently needed a punctual handyman, fluent English, 1+ years experience. Facility: contract, accommodation and transportation, transportation from work...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    2800 $ per month $

    England (Sheffield)

    To ensure stock rotation looking for Helper in England in Sheffield on salary 2800 $ per month, salary is paid every two weeks; we need skilled handyman, fluent English, 2 to 5 years’ experience in. Facility: part time, sharing accommodation, transportation from work, meals at the hotel, friendly di...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    2000$ $

    England (Sheffield)

    To negotiate looking for Helper in Great Britain in Sheffield on competitive wages 2000$, salary is paid by contract; looking for a responsible specialist, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, no work experience. Conditions: 12 hours duty, sharing accommodation, transportation ...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    1400 - 1650$ $

    England (Sheffield)

    For a seasonal work looking for Helper in England in Sheffield on a competitive salary 1400 - 1650$, salary is paid by contract; we need energetic and hard working worker, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, no work experience. Opportunities: contract, shared accomodation in f...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


  • Helper

    Handymen - Working specialties
    Agency Abroad Work

    2800 $ per month $

    England (Sheffield)

    For work we are urgently hiring for Helper in England in Sheffield for a good salary 2800 $ per month, salary is paid every two weeks; we urgently needed energetic and hard working candidate, knows basic English language both in reading and speaking, with work experience. Opportunities: 40 hours a w...
    Agency  Abroad Work
    Abroad Work


What are Facility Helper jobs in Sheffield?

Facility Helper jobs in Sheffield involve taking care of the day-to-day operations in an organization, such as maintenance, cleaning and security.

What requirements do I need to meet to get a Facility Helper job in Sheffield?

To get a Facility Helper job in Sheffield, you must be over 18 years of age, have the right to work in the UK, and have basic English language skills.

What is the salary for Facility Helper jobs in Sheffield?

Facility Helper jobs in Sheffield typically pay the National Living Wage of £8.72 per hour for those aged over 25.

Are there job opportunities for foreigners as Facility Helpers in Sheffield?

Yes, there are job opportunities for foreigners as Facility Helpers in Sheffield. To qualify you must be able to demonstrate the right to work in the UK.

Where can I find out more about Facility Helper jobs in Sheffield?

You can find out more about Facility Helper jobs in Sheffield by visiting the websites of local job agencies or employers.